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RSS Boz83

Reward Points:8
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Ya gotta feel sorry for him..... his life slowly deteriorating!

1 point

How can anyone say Australia... or Australians are racist? If anything, I would say Australian can be prejudice against certain people but racism is a bit too harsh!!

1 point

The debate of abortion goes further than 'killing' a fetus. What you are saying is 100% correct. We are humans, we do stupid things and accidents do happen. There is no point in bringing life into this world if there are no structures in place to support this life.

1 point

The argument that "people may bully or harras the child" is flawed. However how about the development stages of the child. Studies have shown that a child needs a mother and a father to develop..... both genders do have specific roles to play. Now I am not disputing that same sex couples will be bad parents, I am sure they will be good parents, but human nature is that children should be brought up in a dual gender relationships.

1 point

This debate topic is too broad. The fact is, I do not support illegal immigration whilst there are many genuine refugees waiting to enter Australia through the proper means. On the other hand I accept in some cases people in dire situations need to escape and need to find a safe haven. That is why the Howard Governments policy of temporary protection visa's worked. This allowed individuals who were found to be genuine refugees tempory visas until such time it was deemed safe to go back.

The debate over detention centres, now we cant just accept anyone who turns up to our back door, we do need to house these people so that security checks and health checks can be done.

2 points

This is an interesting topic because most people argue based on their emotions rather than rational thought. Before individuals start accusing me of being homophobic, homosexuality should be accepted as part of life however the raising of children in a same sex household has many questions unanswered.

Dr Albert Dean Byrd a well educated child and family pyschologist has researched this topic for sometime and he found that children throughout their developmental stages need a MOTHER and a FATHER.

He states

"Children raised in homes with both mothers and fathers navigate the

developmental stages more easily, are more solid and secure in their sense of

self and in their sense of gender identity, perform better in the school system,

have fewer social and emotional problems and become better functioning


He further points out the roles the Mother and Father play in the up bringing of a child.

"Mothers use touch to calm, soothe and to bring comfort to children. When mothers

reach for children, they frequently bring them to their breasts to provide safety,

warmth and security. Father’s touch is most often described as playful and

stimulating, bringing with it a sense of excitement to the child."

The combination of these roles within a dual gender household clearly shapes the upbringing of a child. The selfish notion of same sex couples wanting to adopt a child or have a child through IVF, or a carrier should be treated with caution.

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