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RSS LailaTeri-XD

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

If God was a lie than there will be a lot of people left without jobs, a lot of fearless people, a lot of crime and a lot less bedtime stories.

The truth is people have turned God into a Fear and a Business.

0 points

Yes and no but mostly yes

Yes because people have turned God into a business and a fear.

Of course it should be legal

Making them illegal will just lead to problems such as people performing abortions incorrectly and illegally, people using unsafe equipment to carry out abortions, people asking for a lot of money for an illegal abortion, even law obeying citizens might be forced to get abortions illegally.

Abortion is not something that can be handled properly if it is made illegal. Yes make tighter laws but making it illegal is too much.

Physical abuse can be healed with bandages and time whereas emotional abuse requires a lot more than that. Emotional abuse stays with the person forever, even when one thinks their wounds have healed something happens and everything comes back.

- Astha

Abortion is not an excuse for NON PROTECTIVE sex.

Some reasons for getting an abortion are:

1. To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems.

2. Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if the pregnancy is continued.

3. Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.

4. Inability to support or care for a child.

Yes there are some people who get an abortion because they didn't use protection during sex but that is not what abortions are for.


- Astha

hahaha.. are you ok there?? need a glass of water to cool you down ??

Worst country in the world eh ? So you are saying you have traveled the world and checked out every country ??

Obviously you have cash in your pockets which is why you can't understand why many people have no toilets. Try leaving a poor person's life for once. Try living without having meals, try living on the streets, try earning for the whole family plus save up for a house with a toilet. If you ain't got the guts to do it than you can't complain.

If life meant anything to you, you would understand the poor people, you would have the heart to help them instead of giving them bad looks.

India is the ar$hole of the planet? what are you ??

The culture gets irritating ??? oh and the food is the same ??

Try living in a country like Australia for a few months, you will realize the variety of the Indian food and the beauty of the Indian culture.

progress is slow ?? Well maybe you should help by not complaining and supporting those who are trying to make your life better.

People are backward ? You must be the perfect citizen right??? -_-

The poor people may not have big houses and fancy cars but their hearts are bigger than your's. Just because they are poor doesn't make them vile, its people like you who make them feel as if they need to act in that way by making them feel like they don't belong.

Not everyone is able to access a toilet. Not everyone earns enough to have a proper house, do keep that in mind.

Try standing in their shoes for once.


I was born in America, raised in India and Live in Australia but even after 8 years here I still miss India and would love to go back.

If you ask me there is seriously no other country like India. The Indian people, the food, the places and the pani puri vala are not found in other countries. I have met a lot of people who come here (Australia) and pretend to have no connection with India or Indians. They teach their kids to only play with white people (Australians) and avoid Indian company. These people follow the white people around like dogs following their masters. Its shameful that we act as their slaves just to prove to them we hate who we are and where we come from. The ones who hate India don't realize the beauty of their country. Yes there are a lot of problems going on in India but no country is perfect.

Be proud of where you come from, instead of hating India and complaining about how bad it is, try to make it better.

- Astha

2 points

Yes abortion should be made legal because some of the reason why mothers get abortions are related to health and financial issues. Making abortions illegal will result in people being forced to keep the child/children. This can lead to bad parenting which can have serious consequences on both the parents and the child.

Making abortions illegal will result in people carrying out illegal and unsafe abortions. Which will than lead to the government spending more money behind these illegal actions.

No cos the relationship between the Hindus and Muslims is not healthy. Reuniting may just escalate the problem even further. Reuniting is not impossible but it ain't very close to being possible either.

- Astha

About Me

"Chocolate xD"

Biographical Information
Name: Astha 
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Australia
Religion: Hindu

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