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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think, that school uniform shouldn't be canceled, because of several reasons.

Firstly, school uniform promotes united atmosphere among children, because everyone wears the same clothing, therefore there is no difference between rich and poor child and everyone can be self-confident.

Secondly, school uniform contributes educational process, because there is no bright colors or big jewelery, which can distract children.

Moreover, school uniform is cheaper, than another clothes. Also it saves pupils' time, because without uniform many youngsters spend their time with thinking what to wear to school.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that due to the arguments above, uniform plays a huge role in the society, because school years are the most significant and important in the teenagers' lives.

1 point

Yes, I think i would, because of several reasons.

Firstly, i suppose joining the military is a big adventure, new expectations and of course new life experience. People, who joined the military are different from another. They are more responsible and wise.

Secondly, military expands your physical abilities. Let's compare two guys, one of them didn't join military and another one joined. The first one isn't ready for some life unpredictable situations and doesn't know how to behave, but the second one went through such "university of life"

So, I'm a girl, but if i were a boy, doubtless, I would.

2 points

I think the death penalty is one of the several punishment in the law system, we shouldn't consider it like something insane, and moreover it's normal in some countries nowadays.

The reason why I'm for death penalty is because some people can be so dangerous fir the society, like serial murderer or maniac, so that they must be punished by this method.

Second reason is that prisoners, who committed very cruel crimes and have a life term punishment, shouldn't be provided by government. I think, it may be established like selfish and unfair decision, but for government it really affects economical conditions.

In some countries this law bring a very effective results. People see examples of this kind of punishment, therefore firstly they think "should I commit this, or should I steal something or kill somebody". In this countries the statistics of the crimes is much lower than in the US. Just imagine: a very dangerous serial killer, prisoner served his term and then got freedom. He will kill or rape again. If he did it for once, he will do it again.

1 point

I think we should escape the stereotype that women have some benefits in the justice system. Do you know that in some cases women seem not so fragile and helpless, also they may commit crime, which is crueler than men do. In some cases woman can beat her children, also i remember one accident,which I saw from the TV news, when young mother throw out her new-born child from the window, and according to her reasons, she just wanted to get rid of him.

1 point

Firstly, travelling by cars is less expensive, therefore you can save your money

Secondly, cars are more suitable, because you can make a stop if it's necessary

The third reason is that cars can be used by everybody, but airplanes can't, brcause some people are afraid of flying, also cars don't depend on the weather and climate so much like airplanes, therefore if the weather is bad, your flight will be canceled and it will destroy all your plans.

3 points

In my opinion, I think that it's depends on the case,but all of the people are equal in the society, therefore I think, that's it must exist as for male, as for female too.

1 point

There are no any strong arguments and evidences that gamers aren't addicted. Gaming is kind of entertaining and leisure. It's mustn't be considered seriously. If person takes the gaming seriously, he is addicted.I suppose this medical definition of addiction is more related to addictions such as alcohol drinking or smoking.

1 point

I think gamers can't live without their "hobby". I read the articles about this issue, according to it gamers are losing their friends, destroy surrounding and dreams. I read about one former soldier, who lost his family. He plays all day and night therefore his wife put him an ultimatum and he choose the gaming.

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: United States
Education: In College

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