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RSS PyroWolf

Reward Points:54
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10 most recent arguments.
PyroWolf(54) Clarified
1 point

I don't know about you but being a teen I mix with teens, and out of the amount of them that I associate with the majority already have their own cards set up by parents. Others have access to their parents card with no restrictions. Plus I have heard of ( Not confirmed) people talking about forums and things like them about how to capture and use people with out their consent. These move sites as soon as they are found. Hell I have seen pretty WTF stuff in my little brothers games. (He is 14)

PyroWolf(54) Clarified
1 point

We do not stop people with genetic problems from having sex yes, but seeing that most of time they are with a healthy partner it lessens rather than strengthens the chance of it coming out in a child. As for incest, well personally there is little issue with me morally but I understand the logic behind saying no, even if I cant explain it properly.

Now when you say abortion or contraception do you realise you're saying they cant have children? And I forgot to mention not only does it increase chances of hereditary issues but also has been the down fall of several families because sooner or later they will start giving birth to sterile children, true this doesn't effect if only one couple are incestuous but children learn from their parents correct? And don't forget that incest applies for close family, which is Mum, Dad, Bro, Sis and upto first cousin in most areas, so most of the time it is also a form of pedophilia between a younger person and a older person.

Pedophilia is not truly consensual because the child doesn't know what is fully happening, by 18 or so people have a more developed sense of what sex is and what it means to them, well around 16 but not much help is given before 18 till after you a pregnant 16 year old. 10 yr old's have very little concept of sex and what entails, 12 yr old's have a barley better sense. 13-15 yr old's only just being told and their body is usually going haywire. As for the argument of in the past 13 year old's and 25 yr old's were married, guess what totally different circumstances, back then if you didn't start having children early you probably weren't going to have children.

Necrophilia is rather disgusting because we all know the body is beginning to rot and all defenses against germs are down. It also lacks respect for the dead in some cases and often done with out the body being signed over to that person.

1 point

It has been seen through out history, different religions rise and fall as others gain followers and wipe out the old. The only time that there will be one ever lasting religion is when they think up one that absolutely everyone agrees with, which will never happen. There for people will keep fighting for the beliefs either by war or by word till humans die out and the next species take over who may make their own religion and then the cycle begins again.

1 point

Having ridden in a ambulance with a broken arm, even on the pain killer (morphine) I felt every single bump we went over. To slow people down in main car parks there should be gates (the bar kind) or something that is a temporary barrier, all the ambulance has to do is radio a head when arriving for the gates to open. Speed bumps don't stop people much anyway.

1 point

I have often been attacked by other nationalities for making comments which apply strictly to the person I am talking to with no racial remarks in it at all except the occasional saying that they are a disgrace to their race. These verbal attacks usually come in the form of being a racist white C, a dumb white Fer or a little white shit who is a dumb white C*. As you can see not that original but they obviously feel big saying that. I have often wanted to participate in native history (aboriginal and Maori for here) and be able to learn the language but have been time and time again told it is strictly for people of that heritage. I have been to schools with strictly black football academies and programs where aboriginal/Maori/Asian are allowed access too but those of European decent are banned. I believe a lot of people who cry whites are racist don't realise that several countries attack and kill/rape/rob white people and only white people or those who live apparently the white way.

1 point

Force them to make all they love leave them, give them the hope of getting it back then snatch it away permanently followed by giving the option of escape from the misery just to take that away before locking them away with their misery, keeping them healthy and alive but nothing else. Then just as they are starting to live with them selves force them back into the world and make sure they do no harm to them selves. And as they start to form a new life, kill (figuratively for some things) all the new things they love in front of them before slowly killing them painfully but not enough them to black out, then just as they are about to slip away, bring them back and leave them on a deserted island designated for nuclear testing. Hope this helps your book but for god sakes no one try this for real.

1 point

Well Homosexuality and incest are actually completely different, being attracted to the same sex is usually thanks to a mental glitch where the person feels more like the opposite gender, has had bad experiences with the opposite sex so doesn't trust them or just loves someone because they match up well. Incest can claim these arguments but morally it is worse because it is classified as direct family which in most cases causes hurt and damage to the family, not always but a good chunk. Also scientifically it effects the genes, if brother/sister son/mum dad/daughter have children accidentally or planned compounds whatever mutations, disease or other DNA related problems making it more likely for defects or increased exposure to disease. It also increases mental issues and makes many social issues. Being gay is just to people who share the same gender loving each other, it causes no harm to others and does not do any damage in general. Necrophilia is down right disrespectful to the dead, can carry diseases and usually points to mental health issues. Bestiality is the forced sex of animals which I do not codon but zoophilia ( when the animal is willing) is mildly better because of the fact there will be no children and there a lesser chance of disease. Pedophilia has drastic consequences on the child often resulting in major trauma physically and psychologically as well as been plain wrong to attack a child or brain wash a child for sex. I think that covers most bases. Looking forward to debating:D

PyroWolf(54) Clarified
1 point

Well from what I have heard/read they want to make it more one group so then you can cross check and organise better (in theory) instead of having so many different watch groups each having different people in charge. Of course this can be beneficial if information was shared better so that different points of view can also be brought into whatever situation is going on. But pedophiles and the likes of are just one part of my argument, they also want to clean up the less desirable stuff that should be brought and watched at your home, I'm all for normal porn and even some of the more erotic stuff being left alone even though I don't need it because it keeps people happy. But some of the sites I have come across include details in how to capture and rape women or show extensive torture, which to a teenage mind or a slightly coo coo mind might seem like that is what sex is meant to be. Admitting that the need for these "fantasy" films and pictures with willing participants is necessary to stop people from living out them but would be better off not available online but needs to be brought.

1 point

I get what your saying but how are they meant to find the player in today's tech savvy world when there is all those wonderful things to hide your self behind? By having some one monitor the internet I think would be a improvement but I didn't say I support down right control. If some one became to heavy on what was on the internet all kinds of back routes and dodgy things would start. Also could you explain better how his is a collective punishment when what the main goals are to clean up the frankly filthy shit that is on here sometimes including the bastards who do these crimes against not just children but men and women of all ages and entire families sometimes. Think of it as lunch break at a lose school, able to ruff and tumble and do some stupid things but there is still a teacher to stop the bullying and make sure people act civilised.

2 points

Ants have more uses than problems. They are cleaners, diggers and police to name a few things they do. The amount of structural damage done by them is actually our fault for not taking them into consideration, kinda like those who build in flood zones because it has been fifty years since the last flood. If we took ants into account when building in ant filled areas we would put better prevention in place. If you need to kill some small inferior creature, kill the mosquitoes and flies instead. They may be food for things but there are plenty of other sources and they do bugger all for us.... Well flies help a little but not enough to be beneficial.

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"I'm a smart out the box thinker who likes to discuss all kinds of topics."

Biographical Information
Name: Aaron 
Gender: Chap
Age: 28
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Other
Country: Australia
Religion: Wiccan
Education: High School

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