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RSS Willbender

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Abdicating your right to vote could be considered a form of protest, so such a law would be considered oppressive.

1 point

I care in the regard that there are cultures around the world, some tied to physical features, and I think that it's ab interesting subject. Adam and Eve are just impossible.

1 point

I don't have the ability to hold grudges that big. I mean, there are people on this earth who, if given the chance, I would murder in cold blood. But I don't personally know any of them

1 point

First off, nice use of hyperbole with the word 'enslave'. Now, onto the main point. I assume you're talking about American Liberals, in which case they are not about liberty. Liberal is just a name. Also, what they're vying for is not enslavement, but rather wealth redistribution. Wealth redistribution is something that the rich hate, but the poor love. That's because the rich lose money, and the poor gain it. No one wants to give up their money, but that doesn't mean that we should let families starve. Do people abuse the system, most definitely. But people abuse any and every system. If a system can be abused for gain then it will be, end of story. But that doesn't mean that the system is a failure.

1 point

Studies have shown that parents are more likely to shush or ignore male babies.

1 point

I completely disagree with the death penalty in all forms. We shouldn't put criminals into prison as punishment, rather it should be to separate them from polite society until such a time as they are prepared to reenter said society. Of course re-offenders should receive more lengthy prison sentences, possibly even life sentences, but to sentence another to death should not be within any persons power.

1 point

That's actually a very interesting question. To start with, Atheists are more likely to be members of academia, although it might be better to say that members of academia are more likely to be atheists. As such, they would be more familiar with things like the Drake Equation, which is an equation to show the likelihood of communicative life in our universe, and other mathematical and scientific findings towards the possibility of life outside our plant. Extraterrestrial life, to those among the more scientifically mind, is obviously probable. Yes, we've yet to find it, but its more likely that it exists than the contrary, so it's perfectly reasonable to believe it exists.

1 point

If something did not begin to exist, then it does not require a cause, that's just semantically true. Other than that, I see no reason to believe that our reality is behoven to any such rule or law. There's no evidence that things that began to exist require a cause.

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