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RSS Wparker123

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

if everyone one who was jobless, with out healthcare, and UNABLE to serve in the military, then what the hell are they contributing. but if you can serve and u do u get a job, and healthcare and are a functioning member of society. so if there is someone out there with out a job, or healthcare and they want some one else to take care of them, well tough shit, go out and do something.

3 points

well, back then it would be easier i think, have them brown folks to do the lawn, and do all my work for me, make my life a bit easier

3 points

No, because think about all great things come in two's, 2 world wars, 2 atomic bombs, 2 boobs, and two abnormally disfigired hands to feel them with....

2 points

yes they should, why not put a newborn in one, its a very sensitive and a hot subject. but seriously this way abortion could actually be classified as murder

3 points

If your fat enough and eat enough of the dough nuts, why is it not possible to get carpaltunnel, like seriously, your fat and its a repetetive action, makes sense

3 points

Well what does it say about our society when we have tex forms for when your kids get nappped. i mean seriously, you et your kid stolen, and you have one more form to fill out for taxes, that is soo fuckin messed up, but at the same time its kind of funny, cant really feel bad

5 points

Bullshit, it sucks outside, i have to wipe the truck off, and scrape the windshield and all sorts of shit like start it 10 minutes before i want to leave just so it will be warm. ya i do this in winter, but not when it has been sunny and 35 degrees out, and then suddenly snows like all hell

2 points

What ever happened to the good old days when i could call a retard a moosh brain, or squishy-faced loser. If they cant understand what im saying, and stick up for themselves, all the tree hugging bastards who recycle their sandals, and run around saving the rain forests can go to hell for sticking up for a group of people who are a complete waste of resources.

2 points

Unless Obama says hes gonna be in the special olympics, no one gives a flying fuck what he has to say, politically correct or not.

4 points

YES!!!!! like everything time he say deal or no deal, i wanna leep right out a window, how far has our society regressed to watch this bald germophobe say a stupid ass tagline like that. If he actualaly said something worth listening to, or iff he even had a good idea, then maybe i would listen, but hes just another bald idiotic lame game show host.

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Winning Position: Unresolved

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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