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RSS Koenoosterbr

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Response > > Response: I agree with what you are saying, it does make sense that businesses have more power than governments in that sense. However I think these two should work in collaboration, so if one exists without the other (if a company uses renewable energy for example) it won't make much of a difference, since there are still other businesses that will need to be restricted. I think the innovative companies are mostly young and small (I don't know of a huge corporation that is being green like that) so they will make a change but won't completely end crises.

koenoosterbr(25) Clarified
1 point

> Response: I agree with what you are saying, it does make sense that businesses have more power than governments in that sense. However I think these two should work in collaboration, so if one exists without the other (if a company uses renewable energy for example) it won't make much of a difference, since there are still other businesses that will need to be restricted. I think the innovative companies are mostly young and small (I don't know of a huge corporation that is being green like that) so they will make a change but won't completely end crises.

Political regulations tend to be implemented extremely slow. Consumers are only able to vote once a year, which usually leads to non-effective measures being taken by elected (often centered- or right wing elected officials). Businesses heavily lobby against government regulation and tend to have too strong ties with these parties, outcompeting consumer voting power. If we were to say that we would be focusing on stopping deforestation, wouldn't you say that a new businesses which stops our entire dependance on wood (renewable cheaper and more durable sustainable wood replacement) would be far more effective than a governmental law having to be implemented, which will only be on a national scale and take lots of time? Isn't government far less effective, and far less impactful on a global scale then business?

koenoosterbr(25) Clarified
1 point

But in this statement, are new businesses the most effective weapon? Or are sustainable actions by corporate giants more important? Or governmental intervention? What's the best and most effective weapon against our most urgent crises?

Online privacy does not exist like we think it does. If someone is brought up with no or very little technology, they might feel like the idea of privacy breaching on the internet is all a joke because they have never had the experience of something happening to their information online. If you talk to someone who lives on the internet, then there is a strong chance that they have had something bad happen to their information on the internet unless they have taken the proper precautions to avoid this. Just like the nazi's, our governments act as if under the name of an enemy against 'safety', they can protect us from the evil doers. Of course this is all a fable. They are the ones we should be protected from. Still, they are too powerful. The NSA, FBI, and even Dutch organisations have all our information. So no, privacy does not exist online.'re using TOR.

Very interesting. There have been over 1,000 documented cases of water contamination next to areas of gas drilling as well as cases of sensory, respiratory, and neurological damage due to ingested contaminated water. Fracking is a nightmare. Toxic and radioactive water contamination. Severe air pollution. Tens of thousands of wells, pipelines and compressor stations devastating the countryside. I don't see the need I and see a severe problem.

koenoosterbr(25) Clarified
1 point

Just to clarify; the debate focuses on renewed value propositions (entirely new products and services) that make old businesses obsolete. Would you say that this is the most effective weapon to solve environmental global crises? Or would you say that making current companies sustainable is a more important option?

koenoosterbr(25) Clarified
1 point

Hi Viet, could you clarify what you mean with "I feel that it is a combined efforts of both businesses and leisure together", what exactly did you mean by "leisure"? And when you say that you are "seeing as it is a combined effort", combined with what?

I think from an internal perspective it would definitely influence finding a better job. I think that's far more important than the employer perspective of potentially hiring you. The international experiences takes one out of his/her comfort zone which allows for much deeper reflection on one's aspirations, likes, and dislikes by broadening his/her world view. In doing so, one will be influenced by this impactful experience, allowing him/her to choose a better job. In that aspect I find a significant advantage.

Online dating opens up so many possibilities for anyone. I think it adds another inevitable dimension to the “traditional” way of meeting people. Traditional dating is limited (You are limited by geography. Online dating offers you the possibility of meeting a person halfway across the world, who just might be the person you have been looking for) New dating just adds to the experience, and allows for people to get into contact with the 'right' people, faster. It's just more efficient.

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