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Debate Score:729
Total Votes:890
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 No (34)

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herinaroslin(45) pic

A vegetarian diet is as healthy a diet containing meat.

Vegetarianism encompasses the practice of following plant-based diets (fruits, vegetables, etc.), with or without the inclusion of dairy products or eggs, and with the exclusion of meat (red meat, poultry, and seafood). Abstention from by-products of animal slaughter, such as animal-derived rennet and gelatin, may also be practiced.[


Side Score: 388


Side Score: 341
28 points

Being a vegetarian doesn’t get enough nutrients?

A vegetarian diet isn't out of balance. It has a good proportion of complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat - the three macro nutrients that are the cornerstone of any diet. Plus, vegetarian food sources (plants) tend to be higher sources of most of micro nutrients. Another way to look at it is this: The average meat eater consumes one or fewer servings of vegetables a day and no servings of fruit. If a meat eater does eat a vegetable, chances are it's a fried potato. "Out of balance" depends on your perspective.

A well-balanced vegetarian diet provides all the nutrients you need for good health.

Group memebers: Beatrice, JingLin, Weifen. Nadhia. 2E2.

Side: yes
CallmeMarcus(3) Disputed
11 points

No i don't agree, as i think that not all vegetables provide protein in high intake. Why? Its because a few servings of vegetables wouldn't be enough to provide a balanced diet like what you said. However if there was a mixture of meat and vegetables, one would feel more energetic than pure-meat lovers and pure-vegetarians. But the good points of being a vegetarian means less red meat which causes cancer or health problems etc.. So in conclusion, a well balanced meal of both is still for the better!

Side: No
26 points



1. Eating vegetarian is healthier for you.

According to the China Studies,Meat and animal products are major contributors to obesity and heart disease, the former which increases risk of diabetes. More deaths are caused by heart disease – cholesterol does not exist in plant foods, only animal "food." Average diets on both sides would allow for a meaningful comparison to take place – more meat-eaters proportionately have high blood pressure and heart disease than vegetarians and vegans, and that is a fact.

2.Eating vegetarian food is better for the environment.

Contemporary agriculture – animal agriculture, that is, contributes more to greenhouse gases than all automobile pollution. Animal waste contaminates crops, leading to outbreaks of salmonella, e. coli, and other diseases that would not occur if we did not mass produce meat.

The same resources – money, feed and human work – that are used to raise these animals could be used to feed all hungry humans, more efficiently than by routing them through the raising and slaughter of animals.

Done by:

Yi Jun

Supporting Evidence: (vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat diet) (
Side: yes
29 points

Vegetables is often seen as more healthy than eating meat.

Side: yes
27 points

vegetarians can live longer than people who eat meat.Eating vegetables can also control your weight and by eating meat,you would grow fatter.There are also other food which include protein in meat like milk and eggs etc.So,meat can be replaced by other food which might not make you fatter.

Side: yes
CupioMinimus(99) Disputed
13 points

Forgive me, see comment across from here, still figuring out how to use the site.

"Eating vegetarian food is better for the environment", this isn't necessarily true either. Contemporary agriculture involves huge quantities of industrial grade chemicals sprayed over billions of acres of land, and dedicated land use that is unnatural and unhealthy for the environment itself. But that is another issue, and off-topic.

I'm not trying to detract from the principles that inspire people to become veggies and vegans, nor the horrors of factory farming, that is not under debate, but diets need monitoring, and without the appropriate knowledge you're not going to keep yourself healthy.

Supporting Evidence: The Vegetarian Myth (
Side: No
imrigone(758) Disputed
8 points

Yes and no. What you are forgetting is that when we raise animals for feed, we feed them too. Thus, all of the problems associated with plant growth apply to animal feed as well, essentially parlaying all of the problems associated with both into one meal. And food that is designated as animal feed usually doesn't have as many pesticide restrictions as those crops intended for human consumption.

Side: yes
26 points

As long as you know what you are doing, yes.

A vegetarian friend of mine told me once that he feels a lot lighter and energetic, and also calmer, since he dropped the carnivorous food.

Side: yes
26 points

Yes, If anything its healthier.

Vegetarians get enough protean through tofu, beans, milk, etc. and also eat more of other healthier foods, which helps a lot.

Side: yes
CallmeMarcus(3) Disputed
10 points

However, some vegetarians are picky with their food since they don't have much of a choice. Therefore what are the consequences if they do not eat these protein..? Hence a balanced diet of meat and vegetables could help in providing protein/ vitamin B and other nutritions needed, with a larger variety. But if vegetarians are more of vegans, they could have eggs or milk. But not all are vegans.

Side: No
24 points

usually vegetarians are less likely to be overweight than meat-eaters. Generally, vegetarians have lower blood pressure, chlorestrol and have lower risk of suffering from heart diseases and cancer in comparison with meat-eaters who have the tendency to contract various diseases. Most vegetables are rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, and vitamins C and E. It is possible for people to argue that vegetarians don't intake any calcium, but much can be found in dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and bok choy. Being a vegetarian is also eco-friendly as it is less destructive to the earth to raise crops than farm animals. In addition to this, less animals will be bred just to be killed for food.

Side: yes
CallmeMarcus(3) Disputed
8 points

Food variety means eating a wide variety of foods (a balanced diet) from within and across each of the five food groups, in the amounts recommended. Eating many different foods helps maintain a healthy, well-balanced and interesting diet that provides adequate nutrition. Eating a variety of foods can help prevent diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. So its not just a vegetarian diet that can prevent health problems.

Side: No
8 points

There are many benefits to following a vegan diet. One is that this type of diet can lower blood sugar levels which is beneficial to those with diabetes or those at risk of diabetes. Along with exercise, a vegan diet can help in weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. By increasing your fruit and vegetable intake you increase the good carbohydrates that you’re putting into your body. This will improve your energy levels to get you through the day without the crash you get by eating other carbs like bread or pasta. A vegan diet can also help prevent heart disease. Some also believe that a vegan diet is better for the environment because it doesn’t support mass livestock farming.

Side: Of course
8 points

We're not saying that meat is not good for you, we're merely stating that vegetables are a healtheir choice.

As humans we are creatures of comfort, habit and stubbornness. People get sick over time from consuming an inadequate diet or overeating and from leading sedentary lives.

Lets get our definitions right first.

Mostly, we humans can be divided into two rough categories:

1. The veggie lovers

2. The non-veggie lovers

• A vegetarian diet (veggie-lovers) is one wherein a person consumes all types of plant foods along with milk and dairy, but completely avoids consuming all meat and animal derived foods and by-products. This includes avoiding contact with these products as well.

• A non-vegetarian diet (non-veggie lovers) includes all plant foods as well as foods and by-products derived from animals like meat, poultry and fish, etc.


Nearly every significant study carried out on people who are vegetarians has shown the following:

Vegetarians are at an increased risk for:

• Iron deficiency anemia

• Zinc deficiency

• Vitamin B12 deficiency

But, Hey! Before you non-vegetarians jump in here and say, "See I told you so!" Lets get this straight.

VEGETARIANS CAN and ARE ABLE to get adequate nutrition from an exclusively vegetarian diet.

If vegetarians consume a variety of foods along with the right amounts of foods from each food group, a veg. diet can meet the recommendations for all nutrients. Those vegetarians that especially focus on including foods that are rich in calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12 to counter a potential deficiency, achieve optimal health.

Of course, the most important part in this equation is EXERCISE. If you keep that element out, no amount of healthy vegetarian food will help you in the long term.


The biggest increase in consumption has been for poultry. Chicken and fish in itself have not been shown to cause chronic diseases, but when the chicken and fish are deep fried in partially hydrogenated oil, they become one of the most potent causes of heart disease as they then contain trans fatty acids.

Studies have also found the following with non-vegetarians:

• Have shorter lifespan and are more prone to chronic diseases as compared to vegetarians

• On average have more heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

• Predominantly eat lesser amounts of fruits and vegetables than recommended.

So which one is better? Today, both these categories are falling short.

Looking at current trend of a veggie lover and a non-veggie lover, they are BOTH consuming more of refined cereals (white bread, white rice, etc.), as compared to whole grains (whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc). Refined grains are devoid of their vitamins and fiber due to the polishing process.

Have you counted how many varieties of packaged and processed foods are available on the shelves today for both Non veg and veg diets. Well! Don't count as it will make your head spin. We are all emptying our pockets for convenience at the cost of damaging our health. The only ones laughing all the way to the bank are the manufacturers of these products.

We are consuming more of processed and ready to eat foods such as baked goods and fried goods in place of more healthful foods such as raw fresh fruits and vegetables. Also lets talk about SALT. Huge amount of salt is found in baked goods, packaged and processed foods and fatty meats. The combination of all the above, i.e. high intake of refined cereals, baked goods and fried goods, salt, fatty meats, promote obesity, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. (Please note, `Dear Reader' that this applies to both veggie lovers and non-veggie lovers)

Both non-veg. and veg.diets are killing us: The use of refined foods (that are devoid of natural & healthy nutrients) & foods containing saturated fats and cholesterol

Side: yes
8 points

Food nowdays are generated in a way that even companies do not want to share as it may put off alot of people. Meat and other meat related products undergo unbelivable processes which allows them to grow faster at a better and cheaper rate. But it comes with a high price. What do you think is in your meat? poke it, smell it, look throught a microscope at it. You still won't find the answer. Plus to kill life just for meat? Imagine one days if a superior race take over us. Won't we be their meat?????? DO you want to be eaten?

Beef (Food Inc)
Side: yes
8 points

A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development.

Which Diet is better - Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?

First of all, there are 5 different types of vegetarians.

Those who don't eat meat of some animals (eg., Beef or meat of rabbit etc.) or some organs (eg. Brain)

Those who eat only fish and dairy products

Those who don't eat meat or fish but will eat eggs and drink milk. These are the most common type of vegetarians.

Those who do not eat meat or any animal product.

There are a few who do not eat anything but fruits.

Advantages of vegetarian foods are:

They are easily chewable, especially for the elderly who have lost their teeth.

Many elderly feel that vegetarian food is more easily digestible.

Vegetarian foods are cheaper than non-vegetarian foods.

Some vegetables can be eaten raw preventing the loss of nutrients while cooking.

Vegetarian foods do not contain as much fat as non-vegetarian foods.

Vegetarians should take care to include soyabeans, groundnuts, lentils, mushrooms and so on to get a sufficient supply of proteins.

Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, the decision depends on various factors such as cultural or dietary habits of the family, personal preference, taste and avoidance of certain foods for health reasons. Whatever the case, a well-balanced diet supplying proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals should be taken.

Side: Yes
1 point


Side: yes
1 point

Although they don't believe in eating meat, they can still get the protein they need by eating beans of any kind. So I think that a vegetarian diet is just as healthy as a diet containing meat.

Side: yes
pacis(4) Disputed
1 point

to make up the protein in a steak one would need to eat a large amount of beans. So while a vegetarian diet has its ups it also has its downs. Not to mention the strain on a person who constantly needs to avoid eating food that has meat. Overall it is key to have a well balanced diet not solely meat and not solely vegetarian. We are made to be omnivores so we should be.

Side: No
1 point

i believe that eating vegetables could be as healthy as eating meat, as long as you don't use energy so much. I mean athletes need meat for high proteins and stuffs to keep their body strong and maintain it that way, but it doesn't mean that eating vegetables wont make you healthy. Vegetables are easy to digest, high on vitamins and minerals etc. So talking about "healthy" i give it to vegetables but to "strong" i give it to meat.

Side: yes
1 point

It is as healthy, if not healthier, than a meat eating diet as it gets exactly the nutrients needed. Meat can be hit and miss with what it provides, but eating Quorn and other meat-substitutes gives you exactly what a human body needs.

Side: yes
1 point

As long as the vegetarian is careful to take in enough nutrients it is as healthy, and sometimes even healthier, than a diet containing meat because it takes away many unhealthy, unnatural elements (such as preservatives or how it is prepared, not the actual meat itself).

Side: Yes
17 points

Not necessarily. While there are many positive aspects to eating a veggie-rich diet, as many others have said, if you do not know how to properly make up for the nutrient deficit in your diet, it can be more harmful than a diet of meat. In addition to this, those of us who have a special condition where veggies upset their intestines and they cannot intake a lot of them, are forced to live on meat. And I am as healthy as they come.

Side: No
31 points

True, you may be healthy, but the arguments are not saying meat is bad. And vegetables can be very good for you, as long as you know what your doing. A smart vegetarian can be just as healthy as a smart omnivore.

Side: yes
s9770661a(1) Disputed
27 points

eating meat will make u grow fatter.In addition to this, those of us who have a special condition where meat upset their intestines and they cannot intake a lot of them, are forced to live on vegetables.

Side: yes
16 points

Pros of Eating Red Meat

High in zinc, which is important for a healthy immune system.

• Contains more iron than most foods, and it is more easily used by the body than iron from other sources

• Also a good source of other vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium and b vitamins.

• Excellent source of complete proteins

• A high-protein diet based on lean red meat has been shown to help weight loss

u cant just eat vegetables as it wont provide you with this nutrients,only meat can!

Side: No
14 points

A vegetarian diet might be as healthy if practiced by someone that goes to the trouble of educating themselves on the shortcomings of the diet, and then deliberately sourcing appropriate foods in order to maintain proper nutrition.

But then this is assuming that the diet referred to containing meat is a 'healthy' one.

Side: Well that depends
12 points

"Eating vegetarian is healthier for you", this is incorrect, as I am living proof. When I turned veggie I was stopped from giving blood because my blood count dropped so much. I kept it up for a couple of decades on principle; now I go out and bag a rabbit, duck, or goose etc. when I feel the need, normally over winter. My previous comment stands, despite being voted down. Why do veggies and vegans accept no debate and constantly refer to the excesses of the other diets?

A veggie diet CAN be as healthy (as a 'healthy' meat based diet) but IS NOT guaranteed to be. As I said, and it goes for everyone's diet, education is key.

Side: No
30 points

It is agreed that a veggie diet 'CAN be as healthy' but is 'not guaranteed' but neither is a omnivore diet. As long as you eat smart, whether you do or do not eat meat is inconsequential.

Side: yes
12 points

Well, all vegetarian can be as healthy as an omnivore diet, given that all things are possible.

The question is how easy it is, and how much specialist knowledge you require, in order to fulfil all your nutritional needs when excluding meat or animal products.

And the answer is that it's far more difficult as a vegetarian than an omnivore, because most meats have a complete selection of all necessary nutrients. Even the B12 vitamin, which is not found in any plant, but rather is a by product of bacterial metabolism. Whereas particular roots and vegetables and such often contain only a subset of the total human nutritional requirements.

And, on a more personal note, CupioMinimus, I too have noticed that I somehow "need" to eat meat. I begin to feel run down and tired if I go for too long without having a steak, or even a cheeseburger.

On a slightly unrelated note, perhaps the reason people associate meat with unhealthiness is because most meats available in the grocery store, and especially from a fast food restaurant are full of excessive amounts of fat and cholesterol, much more than wild meats, which is caused by common "factory farming" practices.

I would enjoy it very much if I could just go out and bag an animal when I needed it. Unfortunately I live in the middle of a large city, so. Oh well.

Side: No
13 points

The problem is that the meat that you buy at the store is ROTTEN. To make it look fresh - carbon monoxide is gassed over the meat before packaging to give it that bright orange-red. That color is NOT normal. The real color is a dark red - the kind of red that you bleed when you get a cut.

For generations man has eaten fresh killed meat without hormones, antibiotics or carbon monoxide - that diet is healthy.

If you had deer meat for awhile the smell at the store would make you gag.

But we don't kill our own game anymore.

If Vege safer? Maybe at one time but now there are recalls on produce also!

Supporting Evidence: Google produce recalls (
Side: No
13 points

Meat is a vital part of a child's diet, according to a two-year study of schoolkids. Without it, children grow up smaller, less strong and less intelligent, the results suggest. Over two years, kids given food supplements gained an average of 400 grams more than those without, Allen told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington DC on 20 February. Those given meat showed the biggest benefits.

Children in the meat-supplemented group showed up to an 80% greater increase in upper-arm muscle compared with the non-supplemented children; for milk drinkers, this figure was 40%.Kids who were fed meat also outperformed their peers in tests of intelligence, problem solving and arithmetic. "The group that received the meat supplements were more active in the playground, more talkative and playful, and showed more leadership skills," Allen said. adding meat to a child's diet improves their development.

Side: No
13 points

There are always questions about calcium and vitamin D intakes and the impact these have upon risk of bone fractures in vegans. Eliminating dairy from the diet does remove a good source of calcium from the diet.

Side: No
13 points

A meat diet is only unhealthy if one consumes excessive meat , thats why we need to eat foods in consideration , plus our bodies body requires 32 branched-chain amino acids(BCAA) , our body can produce all BCAA's except 8 of them ,which we can aquire only by eating meat, BCAA are smaller molecules of protein , therby which if you don't consume all amino acids means you probably have protein deficiency, plus vegan diets mostly contains a variety of vegetables and since thats the case , they'll need to think of other ways to make their foods tasty , once such way is deep frying , as u can see in most hawker centres , stalls usually sell 3or more fried vegan products , and even if it is not deep fried , you still need heavy seasoning and sauces to enhance the taste of the food. If you think you can get most of your protein sources from soy , you are wrong instead soy product are rumoured to have estrogen producing results ( female hormones) which means if you consume in excess and your estrogen's ratio overpowers your testorone hormones( male hormones) your body will start to lean towards the female way of growing , much fried and soy foods will cause storage of fat in the chest and buttocks area , thus causing vegans to be unhappy about their body and may turn to comfort foods in order to feel better . Comfort foods = foods eaten in large amounts or junk foods like ice cream and/or chocolates , candies ,etc. If this is the case , then a vegan diet is certainly not more healthy or as healthy as a diet containing meat.

Side: No
13 points

Meat is a vital part of a child's diet, according to a two-year study of schoolkids. Without it, children grow up smaller, less strong and less intelligent, the results suggest. Over two years, kids given food supplements gained an average of 400 grams more than those without, Allen told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington DC on 20 February. Those given meat showed the biggest benefits.

Children in the meat-supplemented group showed up to an 80% greater increase in upper-arm muscle compared with the non-supplemented children; for milk drinkers, this figure was 40%.Kids who were fed meat also outperformed their peers in tests of intelligence, problem solving and arithmetic. "The group that received the meat supplements were more active in the playground, more talkative and playful, and showed more leadership skills," Allen said. adding meat to a child's diet improves their development.

Side: No
12 points

It is important that you eat a balanced diet with foods from each of the five major food groups. Choosing a variety of foods within and across food groups is also important. Each food group contains at least one nutrient (called the ‘characterising’ nutrient) for which it makes a particularly rich contribution to the total diet. For example, the milk group is known as a rich source of protein, calcium and riboflavin.

In each food group, different foods provide more of some nutrients than others. If you eat a variety of foods from each group, you will probably get all the nutrients provided by the foods in that group. For example, some vegetables contain vitamin C (capsicums), while others (asparagus and spinach) are high in folate. Most of the variety in your foods should come from plant foods (fruits, vegetables and grains).

Choosing a variety of foods within each group will also help to make your meals interesting, so you don’t get bored with your diet. The major food groups are:


Vegetables, legumes

Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, legumes

Bread, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles

Milk, yoghurt, cheese.

Side: No
12 points

Why food variety is good for your health

Eating a wide variety of foods increases the likelihood that you will be exposed to sufficient quantities of all essential nutrients, which vary in amount and combination among different foods. This will help to improve your health and may help prevent diseases like: Diabetes, Cardiovascular (heart and circulation) disease, cancer

Good food variety means good nutrition

If you eat a variety of good food, your diet will provide you with adequate nutrition. However, you should remember that:

The way in which foods are grown, stored and prepared can affect nutrient value.

Food variety is not based on how much of each food you eat or how often you eat it.

Providing energy (kilojoules) is not the only reason for food variety. It also helps ensure that important dietary components which provide no nutrition, such as fibre, are included in your diet

Side: No
12 points

No, I don't agree that vegetarian diet is as healthy a diet containing meat.

Most people like to eat tasty food. Vegetarians that do not follow the healthy diet guidelines will make their food more salty, tastier and sweeter. As the vegetarian food contains more salt and sugar, it will often result the food to be more unhealthy than non-vegetarian diets.

Thus, vegetarian food is not as healthy a diet containing meat.

Side: No
12 points

@jinglin: so u r saying that vegeterian diet is as healthy as a meat diet so u r trying to say that a person can survive without eating meat? it might be possible but will the person be healthy compared to a person who eats both meat and vegetable. You need to have vegetables and meat to have a proper balance diet.

Side: No
11 points


A balanced diet comprising of vegetable and meat is the best.

IF you say that a vegetarian diet is as healthy as a meat diet, do you mean that a person can be healthy by just eating vegetable or meat itself?

The answer is definitely NO. This is because when you only eat either vegetable or meat, the person can still survive but he/she will be not as healthy as a person which eat both.

Side: No
LimWei(6) Disputed
3 points

@KyeKyeZaiKia-please get your points right and organise your points orderly. i had a difficult time reading your argument. obviously you english arent that good . no offense though. alright? mr. kye kye

Side: yes
10 points

a vegetable-only diet is not more healthy than a meat and vegan diet, you may get more vitamin c and fibre, but you may miss out on proteins and carbohydrates in meat. a vegan diet is not more healthy than a omnivore diet, as proteins and carbohydrates are hard, if not impossible, to find in veggies.

Side: No
9 points

Vegetarians can be healthy but they lack many minerals that meat contains. Iron, zinc, etc.

Side: No

Assuming the person educated themselves and goes to lengths to make up for the short comings of such a diet, possibly. Though for your average person, no it is not as healthy as without proper education you could lack key supplements that you would otherwise not have by going on a vegetarian diet. On top of that, such a diet is not for everyone, some may not react as they hope they would to such a diet and I don't mean the taste.

Side: No

I would love to see people refute my point of view and not just down vote it because they do not agree. Though I suppose this is not the place to complain.

Side: No
5 points

eating meat will make u grow fatter.In addition to this, those of us who have a special condition where meat upset their intestines and they cannot intake a lot of them, are forced to live on vegetables.

Side: yes
s9770661a(1) Disputed
26 points

and for those that say you don't get enough protein this is not true.

dark greens, beans, nuts, and eggs are all packed with protein.

there are even vegan body builders.

how ever there are unhealthy vegetarians as well. these are the people who don't take necessary measure to get the nutrition they need. but meat eaters do this as well.

Side: yes
5 points

no. vegetables have proteins , starch etc. in them and they are also a healthy diet. we become strong and are concentration level becomes high. i have experienced it my self.

ONE can it non-veg on like in a week twice , but not often!!!!!!!

Side: No
4 points

• According to the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health study, red meat 'can raise the risk of cancer by 25 per cent'. People who ate the most red meat were at significantly greater risk of developing cancer of the esophagus (cancer of the gullet), bowel, liver or lung compared with people who ate the least. Also, study found that consume excessive chicken meat may trigger early puberty. Meat indeed brings a lot of illnesses and cancers, but these only happened under a condition – excessive consumption. A meat diet is only unhealthy if one consumes excessive meat. As a result, I would define a diet containing meat as balance diet which consists of vegetables, fruits and meats.

Side: No
1 point


Side: No
eryeyeqrty Disputed
1 point

so it is the same that u are saying that diet is healthier than vege diet

Side: yes
1 point

has anyone noticed quite a few vegetarians are fat!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!

Side: No
1 point

From my point of view, vegetarian diet is not as healthy as a meat containing diet.

Here are some reasons.

First of all, meat provides us with adequate store of protein which our body needs to use for activities related to the repair, growth and maintenance of cells in our body. Protein gives us energy and helps our body fight against infections.

Secondly, meat contains 9 essential amino acids and some vegetarians experience memory loss, tiredness, moodiness due to blood sugar highs and lows, lack of motivation, and poor performance at work or during exercise.

Finally, I think that it causes some difficulties to make your own diet. The amount of protein, minerals and vitamins are highly individual. If you want to make your diet well-balanced, you always have to use fresh and sometimes expensive foodstuff, which needs big financial looses.

Side: No
1 point

The human body was not meant to be run solely on Vegetables. There are many required Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins that are necessary to run the human body and its metabolism that can only be taken in by eating protein rich meats. That's why most of your Vegans or Vegetarians have to take a Multivitamin that is specifically made for them.

Side: No