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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

Wow, that's a horrible thing to say. The USA isn't all that matters. If all the world economies start failing do you think we are not going down also? Everyones economy is important. You should take a trip overseas sometime and visit other countries. It's just as amazing there as it is here. They probably protect their jobs a bit more than the US.

But back to the issue on hand, I hate that we are outsourcing jobs. It hurts us. I know. I was one of the ones that got blindsided in a meeting with no warning whatsoever. I did medical coding and that's scary since those jobs are now also going overseas (transcription jobs have been outsourced for awhile already). So the next time you walk into an ER ask where your medical record is going. It may just be overseas. Not only did it affect me, but my hairdresser lost a client, my dentist lost a patient, my doctor also lost a patient along with the pharmacy losing a customer since I now can't fill my prescriptions. I'm not shopping for anything that I don't absolutely need (food or otherwise). It's humbling when you have to go to a food bank for something to eat. I do go to farmer's markets when I can for healthy food and to support local farmers. But we as consumers can stop a lot of it and bring back some of the jobs by refusing to buy outsourced products. Look at the label and see where it's from. If we can't afford something made here vs made overseas, then save up for it till you can. Maybe we can save some jobs and bring others back. Not all outsourcing will stop, but we can have an impact on it by what we buy and demand. As for me, I am having to go back to school to learn something that can be done "hands on" and not outsourced.

3 points

So true. The wisdom teeth are already stopping. Not everyone gets them anymore. Even the hair on our bodies has lessened. We definitely evolved and as for religion, it started as a superstition that has never let up. They didn't understand why the earth shook, or the volcanoes erupted or the floods came. Our ancestors thought there were angry Gods and had to appease them. So started the sacrificing of babies and maidens and of course worshiping. Men learned how to control societies with religion and it hasn't stopped. Just look at the history of the world and what religion has done to it.

1 point

Well that's scary enough to know those chemicals are being absorbed into the largest organ of the body, our skin. No, they will probably never ban it. You are right that the companies make billions off unsuspecting people using the stuff and it's in everything. It will just take people the sense not to purchase products containing perfumes. I don't buy the stuff cause it bothers me. I do try to avoid those in the workplace and I'm very nice about it, but the problem is they don't believe you when you say it bothers you. I have switched jobs. Over and over cause of perfume. I shouldn't have to do that and start over all the time. There should be office guidelines at least for those who can't do without it. It should be spritzed on and not doused on. People who wear it can't even smell it on themselves so they douse it on. Ugh.

1 point

Good for Scotland!! America really needs to jump on the bandwagon and get healthier. More and more kids are developing Type II diabetes, going into emergency departments with chest pain and getting full cardiac workups and in general just getting more and more obese. We can demand better food by insisting on eating healthier, buying organic as much as possible and get out and get exercise more. Make a point to try to start buying healthier food even if you think you can't afford it. If everyone will just try for maybe a week or even a day to just buy organic healthier foods the prices will start coming down and more and more companies will start putting out healthier stuff. Go meatless for a day (or longer would be better). You save an animal and you aren't clogging your arteries with saturated fat. Hold the fast food places accountable and ask for healthier versions. I know some are trying and Burger King has added a vegetarian burger to their menu. Try to change your food every now and then. Maybe more healthier food will be added to the menus as time goes by. We have to do something, or else we will slowly kill ourselves in the end. We as consumers are in charge of what we eat and what the companies will keep putting out. If they aren't selling it, it's not going to say on the shelf much longer.

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