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RSS Sheyan2009

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Sadly yes, even though it sounds ludicrous that texting could have negative effects on your speech, it is true, and happens more often then not. It's kind of like how in 1984 the government teaches the citizens how to use "Newspeak", which is a way of speaking in short, depreciated way. The same process applies with texting which obviously takes a toll on our speech.

5 points

Only if the government has legitimate and substantial evidence that a person is committing a crime should they monitor them secretly. When this sort of power is available to the government they should be responsible enough to not abuse their power and use it only when absolutely necessary.

3 points

Take it from someone who has dealt with that type of situation. I have a lousy father and by lousy I mean destructive, ill behaved, reckless, nonchalant, and not in my life. I already live my life as if he were dead and I feel that if someone is not benefiting your personal or mental status and self-progression, then why have them around? I think that if you have a lousy father in your life that you are letting him take a toll on your future in a negative way that I, myself, wouldn't let him get the satisfaction.

1 point

As human beings, we are selfish and have been fabricated with a survival mechanism that tell is to do whatever whenever to protect the ones that we love. I would do everything in my power to protect my love, even if that means taking this horrible secret to the grave.

1 point

Benefiting yourself is always an assessable task but having a chance to better the common good only comes around once in a life time. You have to take into consideration that you can improve the lives or situations of the masses or just yourself. I believe that by advancing the common good you spread the wealth of nobility to others as well as yourself and that is the greatest benefit of all.

2 points

I do believe that the high school systems should continue to flourish the works of Shakespeare. Although he was not modern or up to speed with our times, he was and is a historical figure that shows the progression of how far the art of playwright and poetry has come. It is the best of our histories past that connects us to the sufficiency of our future.

3 points

Being well respected is the true element to leading a sufficient life. If you don't have the people around you respecting you then you have no trust. Money is worthless in the sense of honor.

0 points

Batman is humble about his good deeds, while on the other hand Superman flies around the city in spandex and an "S" on his chest. Batman appeals to the people more because he is more human-like. Plus, Batman has a sexy car and his outfit is "on point".

1 point

So what happens when all of the "double crossers" cease their wrong doings. People will fear you rather then love you and you will die alone.

2 points

VICKY! i love you girl but DANG! that's naive.

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