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RSS Simsim44

Reward Points:6
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

If Georges LemaƮtre were here today, he wouldn't agree with that. He put in hundreds of hours to prove his Big Bang Theory and you're going to dismiss all his hard work by saying he was just lucky that God talked to him.

1 point

So you're essentially saying that you support genocide and you are basically a high functioning sociopath?

1 point

What if, in the more likely event, there is no God at all and you've got the blood of 1 billion people on your hands simply because you are fueled by hate propaganda to believe everyone in the Middle East is a terrorist?

0 points

Every living human has rights, no matter what they've done . That's why they're called human rights, not innocent human rights. Besides, the convicted rapist has already been punished for his crime whereas the prison rapist has not. So is it fair that the prison rapist gets away with rape without punishment? No, of course it's not. Rape should always be punished, no ifs or buts.

2 points

They are not children! They are foetuses! There is a massive difference, a child is a born human who has human rights and is living independently. A foetus is an unborn developing human who has no rights. I agree that abortions shouldn't happen after about 3 months seeing as the child then becomes too much like a developed human. But before that, the foetus cannot think or feel. They live completely offf their mother and if they didn't they would die. In 90% of abortions, the foetus is no bigger than a large group of unspecified cells. Does that ball of cells deserve human rights?

2 points

What? Firstly, America was just as responsible for the slave trade as the British and Africans. Also, Lincoln stopped the slave trade, yes, but after 300 years of the Americans strongly supporting it. Then once Lincoln stopped it, it wasn't a national decision. The Americans still try to make out like everyone of them supported the end of slavery. In fact, most were against Lincoln on that and they protested strongly.

Yes, Conrad Hilton worked very hard to start his hotel chain, but think of all the other people who did exactly the same amount of work just in a different sector. The relatives of them aren't rich and famous.

America is the personification of capitalism, the whole country is based around that ideology. That's why it's such a failure in taking care of its citizens. It's good in a militaristic and technological sense but it still doesn't have free health care, obesity levels are through the roof, the education system is a flop.

These are all failings because the government work on a capitalist base where money matters more than people.

1 point

I think it's a term that can be misinterpreted a lot. If you say pro choice, you're for women having the choice of being able to have an abortion. If you say pro abortion, you're in favour of abortions. Nobody is in favour of abortions, they're not a good thing. People are in favour of having the right to choose to have an abortion, not just " I like abortions".

1 point

God would win if he existed but there is no evidence to support God being real. However there is lots of proof to claim science is real, science itself is built on proof and evidence. The 7 days hypothesis where God created the world in that amount of time has been disproven. It's been proven it took tens of thousands for life to begin on Earth and its taken even more time for that single first living thing to evolve into every animal on this planet today.

If you're talking about something that has no evidence behind it so is classed as a lie against something that lives of proof which is classed as the truth, it's common sense that the true and existent thing would win. Case closed.

2 points

You started slavery in the past and left them in the state they are currently in. If big American corporations actually had some morals, they would buy the coffee and cocoa beans from the African farmers for more. A company like Starbucks buys in 1kg of coffee for about $1 and sells it for $250, is that a fair and good system to you.

Besides, if we're just talking about America or the Western world, it still doesn't work. You have families such as the Hilton's where they have family members such as Paris who hasn't worked a full day in her life yet she is worth millions. Then you have construction workers who work every single day yet they get minimum wage.

Is that a good system? If you want a fair system, you have to look more left. If you work to the best of your abilities and you take according to your needs, that's an efficient and more fair system rather than having people born into their future where people like Paris Hilton are born into a world where they don't have to work a day in their lives and then other people are born into a world where they have to work all their life but they could only dream of having the riches of one of the Hiltons.

1 point

That's never really the case. People who were brought up without a good education throughout no fault of their own go on to get jobs where they work long hours for little pay. So your hippy stoner image isn't accurate

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