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RSS Thaglund

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Useful inventions have a history of both coming from both educated and non-traditionally (self) educated people. The drive to innovate is a human trait, enhanced yes, but not sparked merely by education. Usefulness of a person is not necessarily determined by education.

1 point

NO! Higher education should definitely cost money. My argument is not that only the rich and smart should go to school, but that higher education institutes would fail without that money. Think of how many advancements towards the quality of human life comes from Universities. Medical, technological, the preservation and respect for knowledge. Without students paying tuition governments would be unable to take the entire burden of supporting a school.

1 point

Normally I wouldn't agree on government regulation of anything. But tobacco has many proven negative health benefits. I think it should have an age limit much the same that children are not allowed to drive a car. Meaning 10 years old children would definitely not understand the risks of smoking and should be protected until such a time as they can understand said risks.

1 point

Be careful when you use PETA as a supporting argument. They as a whole are not very good at publishing objective and non inflammatory information.

1 point

I say since the president couldn't pass a law based on a less desirable trait of the Muslim religion, sure.

2 points

I would argue that pop music is not a bad influence on young people. The explanation is simple. An entertainer entertains his/her audience by putting forth music, videos, books etc.. that align with the interests of the audience. Not the reverse

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