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RSS Triplesub

Reward Points:4
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I'm not familiar with details of the US system but in the UK children learn a great deal in their reception year, which appears to cover the same ages as kindergarten in the US. Maybe you should clarify whether this is a debate about the US system only.

Supporting Evidence: UK Reception ICT Teaching Materials (
triplesub(4) Clarified
1 point

Maybe you should change the wording of your question. In almost every country in the world primary education is for children up to 11-ish.

Supporting Evidence: Wikipedia - Primary Education (
1 point

A lot of people can take care of a group of children and teach them some things.

Few people can teach well, in a way that is engaging and encourages a love of learning. The impact of a good teacher at a young age can transform lives. The skill and knowledge needed to be that sort of teacher should not be underestimated.

2 points

Hitler clearly proclaimed a belief in a God. Therefore he cannot possibly be an atheist.

Hitler identified himself as a Christian. If deciding who is a Christian is based on that person's actions then there are very few Christians in the world. Therefore, if you claim the ability to label people Christian, then Hitler has to be classed as a Christian.

As for the second question of ideology (in the description). Atheism, by definition, has no ideology beyond not accepting the existence of deities. Hitler clearly did not subscribe to this ideology.

2 points

Tourists would still come to see the historic buildings that the UK has to offer. If the monarchy was removed all current residencies could be opened up to the public generating huge revenue.

Removal of the archaic mechanisms of government would lead to a renewal of politics and the political process. No more undemocratic orders or legal backdoors that politicians could use to hide their activities (see link).

Supporting Evidence: Order in Council (
1 point

The world is getting more and more complex and people are as stupid as they ever were. It is now harder to hide stupidity.

2 points

Both are fantastic bowlers but Warne had the ability to make things happen in all conditions and in all circumstances. The amount of turn he got was second to none and his accuracy was incredible.

3 points

Executing them would also prevent them from re-offending. If we expect our young to behave when the fear of violent retribution has subsided we need to teach them by using our minds, not by hitting them with our rulers.

1 point

To resort to violence is an admission of failure. Teachers should lead by example.

1 point

You are correct. He may not be the fastest or the flashiest but Messi has that magic vision and touch to open up defences.

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About Me

"I am a human male."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United Kingdom
Postal Code: 00000
Religion: Atheist
Education: College Grad

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