
2021077's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 2021077's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i truly agree with the statement here. i do believe that if the world really didn't have a government then we would be at a deficit. we would begin to face problems in the world. That being said can relate to what you said in the response with the world not having a government. i support what you said here and believe that the world would fall apart if there was no government

1 point

in my honest opinion i strongly believe that the government is a must have when it comes to a economy and or country. If the united states or really in general just any country didn't have any type of government there would so much more war, crime and loss of jobs.

With the topic of the government i do believe that if there was no government in the united states there would be lots of more war. wither its outside or inside the country i believe that it would spark controversy with people beliefs and religion. which then could divide the country and would lead to people to attack others.

Another reason that i believe that we need the government in America is to keep the crime rate down. if the government didn't exist in America the crime rate would go up in a very small amount of time which could cause lots of death in many different areas in America. This could aslo lead to more people being jailed if say someone had assaulted someone or had don't something along those lines.

Tieing in with the crime rate going up this could be caused by people losing their jobs without the government. Lets say, If almost everyone in America had lost their jobs then what would happen? My guess is that lots of people would lose lots of money with people not paying certain bills at that point, which could then lead people to go homeless, depending on their job.

With that being said if America didn't have the government to keep it together it would fall apart in a small amount of time.

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