
3e2cheong's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

yes school does kill you can see, everything we do in school, it always have to be law by law, most of the things have to be done in sequence, it doesn't really allow us the students to do what we think is suitable for the school, teachers would only ask us to do proposals and submit to them when there is an activity like a camp or something. however, most of the proposals who never ever be accepted in the first try as teachers would not like the idea of the stuff we propose to them and etc and ask us to go and mend it or something... most of the cases the reason they gave us is that the school has its code and conduct and such things cannot be done in a school compound and etc. thus this is the main reason that the creative ideas that we students gave at first were rejected. i strongly agree that school does kill creativity as there are too many binds holding on to many rules to follow

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