
82021163's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 82021163's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The water situation in Flint, Michigan was due to the government failing to do its job. A lack of government regulations wouldn't have helped the situation. While the food shortage in France was partly due to the government, the people eventually overthrew the government. Although there are still authoritarian governments today, history has shown us that as time goes on more countries become democracies. I agree that in groups humans will naturally want to work together however, the larger the group, the harder it is for everyone to cooperate. Groups would have their natural size limit and it would be difficult to get all groups to work together.

1 point

I would rather live under a government. A government helps to keep order and peace in a society. Laws and justice systems work to protect people from criminals and ensure equality for everyone. Governments also provide efficient ways for using its citizens money. By forcing people to pay taxes, they can afford to pay for public services such as police, firefighters, public education, and transportation infrastructure. If these services were privatised those companies would have an incentive to make a profit. Although these services may not be used by everyone they still benefit the general population. Governments also protect its citizens by regulating many industries to ensure that products and services are healthy and safe to use before they're on the market. Governments provide currencies which are very important for economic societies to thrive. Governments encourage all of its citizens to work together to better society.

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