
Aaliyahdtk's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Aaliyahdtk's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I completely agree. The Constitution's second amendment gives American citizens the right to legally own weaponry for protection, legal hunting, personal hobbies/uses, etc. However, these rights can, and should be restricted or prohibited to those whom abuse this right to harm, rob, assault, or kill others. Therefor, violating laws that were made to protect the people. These are the cases in which these rights should be heavily regulated by the government.

1 point

If colleges stopped looking at ACT scores, they should start focusing on a person's interest in the subject they want to pursue such as, art, medication, or even science. They should also look into extracurricular activities/groups/organizations the student has partaken in. College essays are also a great way to learn what the students' intentions are and how in-depth their interests are for their desired majors.

1 point

Abortion is a method or practice in which women who have unwanted fetuses, termenate their pregnancy. This method has been widely used across the country by many women. Although this method is highly known, it is a very controversial topic discussed by a variety of groups and/or individuals. Some believe the method to be cruel and unusual, whilst others see it as a convenient choice being offered to females who may not desire to go through with their pregnancies, for whatever reason.

In my opinion, abortion is a choice that should be made by the women or couple that were involved in the intercourse that created the fetus. The choice should not be made or debated by people who had no purpose in the making of the child. Firstly, these people are not aware of the experiences of the women/couple, nor do they understand the circumstances she/they are in. These circumstances/experiences can include low income, abuse, rape, or even religion/family beliefs. I am pro-choice due to the fact that there are so many factors that can go into a big decision such as this. I feel that people do not consider the factors or circumstances that go into this sensitive subject. Usually, significant/life changing choices such as this, include important reasons/concerns for the conclusion to have an abortion.

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