
Abbott's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Abbott's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Hmmm...Idk joe thoes blue eyed folk seem to be poping up every where nowa days. Hey SlashinatorX! since ur an expert on contamination by you think thats where all the blue eyes are coming from too? Plz STFU And stop being a homophobe!

And homosexality is most DEFINTLY NOT A CHOICE! 90%(rough numbers) of gay people say they didnt choes it. and the other 10% are more than likely bi sexual ;)

3 points

THERE YOU GO UNCLE JOE! ;) (ur signature winky...i can borrow that right?)

1 point

YES WE DO! OMG its annoying! i can't wait until we realize that if we keep using that care it will eventuly loes its meaning

2 points

HELL NO! just think about it with me for a second...21 is the legal DRINKING AGE! and idk about you but i've already been told that most 21 year olds drink ALOT just because they u really want DRUNK you ;)

Drunk voters for drunk a America does NOT approve this message but thats fine because no one should approve of them!

2 points

Yes it does come naturally to us...but that doesn't make it right.

1 point

Yeah i do. sometimes i even argue with myself...NOT OUT LOUD! you know what i when i reaaaaally want to do something but i know i shouldn't

1 point

Love is love, yeah it might be difficult but if you really love that person you'll make it work. Love conquers all!

1 point

I LOVE TO FOLD I MEAN IM BLACK SO I GET THE CHEAPEST SHIZ MY MA CAN FIND so if i crumple that ill have shiz all over the place plus when i take a dump I TAKE A DUMP dont get me wrong i dont all ways blow up the place but if i do u should stay out for about 35 - 45 minuts or more so imaging crupling that TP up then having to rewipe WTF i hav to et some mo tp and cruple that up then repeat untill my butt aint sticky then i gotta do like an EXTREAM HAND WASH FOR ABOUT 30 MINS HAVING TO SMELL WHAT I CREATED NOT btw this is my sissys acount not mines shell be bck lata

1 point

U are talking about a moral reason which in america doesn't have any rule in the law. LEGALY there is nothing wrong with same sex marriage. and realy it shouldn't be illegal!

Now moraly i still disagree im 13 so im part of the be who u r and flip off any one that says different (jk). But realy i think man (humans) have reached their quota for babys black ppl and asians (mostly chinese) hav made sure of that (the black part isn't racist because im black and i KNOW we have way to many babys! and the chinese thing is true) so if a woman wants to screw around with another let it be so long as they BOTH want to do it and the same for 2 men. :D

1 point

what the hell are u talking about that doesnt even make sense! how could a hole bunch of gay ppl make a whole contry go in debt like realy that one didnt make since and why are u against agys so much like this debate had nothing to do with gays at all

1 point

"HEY DONT CALL ME STUPID!" ha ha jk i know what is going to happen in 2012 every one that paid thousands (some times millions) of bucks on a bunker are gonna feel dumb and get mad and sue peopl thus wasting more money and the the economy will get better:D but realy i agree 99.999999999% with u. and mabey some one should play a joke on somebody and set fireworks around there house or something that would be funny:D

1 point

Yepit is well i think it is the group is call one million moms or something like that so idk

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