
Amritangshu's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Amritangshu's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

I thought you're an all-time leader on this site, why not give u the moral high ground ? By the by, as far as what I've seen you seem democratic so u will have no problem defending the argument I guess

0 points

Fundamental principle of Socialism: "I'm breathing,I'm living, give me bread", what the hell, why? Right to live, Right to have bread without working for it is itself immoral; how can u argue for it ? Capitalism calls for voluntary transactions where I can go to a butcher shop and ask for a slice of bread and in return give the butcher a $20 dollar bill;

As far as economic viability, capitalism calls for limited government where there is a direct linkage between big corporations and people and if the people are dissatisfied with the quality of the products on offer, they can penalize the corporations and there would be no question of government bailouts using tax-payer money; If the business can't stay in business, it gets out

What I mean by the title of the debate is that the weapon is the choice of the murderer/mass-slaughterer but in all instances it's the radicalization and malicious-driven motive which is the real tragedy-so the Left should not have used the Orlando incident to bash the conservatives for going for lesser gun restrictions

REMEMBER: Guns don't pull trigger, it's the people who do it

2 points

After the Orlando shooting, people on the left used the incident as a device to blame the Right for going for lesser gun restrictions, now the dynamics have changed in Nice-I even heard some on the left saying the truck was "WHITE", now tell me what is that guy implying #WhitePrivilege ? We really need to address the fact that many of the Muslim clerics and Imams preach the religion in a divisive and malevolent way often highlighting more on barbarity than peace-that's the reason France had 3 terror attacks in 18 months- rather than being the #MuslimApologeticLeftWing, US should go and build the #wall

2 points

Bernie merely ran a campaign rather than actually challenging Hillary-I expected him to stand by his revolution-personally I question the veracity of many of his proposals including the $15 argument and climate change-I think he's a sellout, who swings out in the eleventh hour

Right because I believe in Limited government, I'm pro-life, I believe Capitalism is consensual sex while Socialism is rape-that is why the Right is always right

It's online radicalization as well as has a lot to do with Imams who preach the verses of Quoran in malicious way- if u ever attend any of their session you would find direct contradictions between their open speech and the verses

Progressives suck, just like Jo Cox, the deceased British MP, they are all Muslim apologetics

The attack was specifically targeted against the Hindus, Buddhists and Christians; They attacked the region where they have the foreign embassies-I.S Bangladesh has also been responsible this year for the murder of many Hindu bloggers in the country- even my state in India faces probable crisis in the future because of Dhaka and Bangladesh

For America, you need the Trump who will improve the borderline security and ban Muslims to enter the country

Well so long you own the purse, you can make the expenditure for betterment;It is about the quality and surely it is the expensive schools

Check out in YOUTUBE: "Albanian Student Shows Her Breasts, Lands News Anchor Role"

Do all the Albanian female anchors do that? I am very curious you see; how horrendous !

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