
Bakbergenova's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bakbergenova's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

enivonmental protection should be more wide, it is not only planting trees! It should be in a complex, and planting trees is just a small piece of protection.

1 point

All such things should be legal. Why? Because it gets more control. Nowadays people buy marijuana, although it's legal or not. If it will be legalized, it will be controlled. It will prevent kids to buy and consume it. Also, police would work with real criminal cases, not with drug deals.

2 points

I think that they should, because parents are more experienced. Moreover, they never give a harmful advise to their children, because they wish only good things. I'm saying this, based on my experience. If I feel bad or I just want to complain, I call my parents and asking for their opinion. There was some cases, when I didn't listen to my mother, then I felt sorry about it. Now I understand that my Mom always right. So do other mothers:))

1 point

don't you think that all environmental problems are global, and they have connections with each other? we cannot separate them. Even if the USA and Canada have some environmental problems, what can you say about Africa? It is non-developed, but there is drought, or Antarctida, where glaciers are melting, because of global warming? All I want to say is that reduction of ozone layer and global warming are problems, which were caused by high-developed countries, but whole world is in danger now

1 point

There is one way of development, which has a little bit controversial name. It called Suistanable development. Suistanable development allows humanity stay alive. It combines development and environmental protection both. There is a point of view that suistanable development is one way of development, taking in consideration current environmental situation.

1 point

Life is important to me, because I am managing it myself. If I work hard, I will get all I want. Life is important to me because every day I improve my knowledge, every day I achieve my little goals. On the current period of my life I want my parents to be proud of me. So, life is wonderful, even if you have a bad day, next day will be better.

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