
Bassmaster's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bassmaster's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I have a much better way and it would lower food cost. Restore the local farms and let them supply the communities. Make it worth while to farm and you will see generations become involved. Food today has skyrocketed because we ship it all over the pace. Florida raises beef but yet little is kept here on store shelves unless its a butcher shop. Corporate food has killed the butcher what is left, our produce is genetically grown and comes from countries all over like Mexico and Argentina. Milk is shipped and already days old before it reaches the shelves. America can feed America we just need to support them and stop supporting factory farms and the cost will lower. The consumer will demand it. It is people like you who will shove anything in his mouth as long as it feeds your hunger that don't stick to their guns and refuse the corporate food. I don't by produce or meat from Walmart as they buy Monsanto grown produce and they have gassed their meats with the same gas that comes out of you cars tailpipe. I shop my local farm stand that grows none treated veggies and I buy meat that is grass fed locally grown. I don't eat preserved or prepared foods as I don't support such operations. All it takes is will power and we could change the landscape but then again we have Weldon.

1 point

Sure you can get sick from anything but if someone is coughing and sneezing do you get in their face no you move away. So if we have factory farms that pollute or water and pose diseases do we allow it or remove it. Again Weldon you seem to make statements that you do not support but only your (cheap) alternative to food. Next time you want to eat just throw it in the toilet first. I will give you the food. It will be cheap but eat it all as you have little concern where it comes from.

1 point

Factory farming had destroyed our farming community for profits and greed. Little ethical concerns exist as they promote both medical and ethical concerns. Its all for the corporate dollar and need to be over regulated just as the local farmer has been for years.

1 point

So Weldon what you are saying that cheap is more beneficial than you health. If this was the case just eat paper if your hungry What difference does it make as its cheap. Family farms have been feeding America until large corporations started forcing them out of business. Now we get food from all over the world and from factory farms. Food that is laced with injections of antibiotics where we now cannot fight illness because we have built up a immunity to medicine. Food that is raised in polluted water such as fish and shrimp in Asia that is raised in the same water that their toilets drain into. Animals at factory farms that are slaughtered even if they can't walk through the doors. We eat produce that is grown with pesticides and herbicides already in the seed that transfers to the produce as it grows. But according to you this is okay because it is cheap. I would have to ask to support your statement as food is not cheap and if you follow the rising cost you would see it. So in truth we are paying more for food with less quality. How do large corporations invest in communities other than throwing big bucks at the politicians in lobbyist money. Go search Monsanto and its contribution list. Sorry I am not going to do your =homework for you. We have a President that his wife promoted healthy eating in our schools but he himself supported Monsanto and got the contributions to do it. So what you are saying is we should devoid ourselves of all ethical qualities just to support the corporate community. Maybe when you die from eating the laced food we just toss your carcass in a community grave and bulldoze you over. I mean if you want to throw out ethics why not even for you.

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