
Emperor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Emperor's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You said the Bible has no contradictions yesterday.

According to this argument, it DOES.

If it had no contradictions, Dana wouldn't be saying you're wrong.

Don't tell me you think you're some god and everything you think is true though, or I'll seriously question your sanity, even more than I do now.

0 points

A bigot? Why don't you have better beliefs that I can't laugh at?

I'm not a bigot for laughing at stupidity. When I see TWO CHRISTIANS fighting like this, to the point of anger, over an issue I was talking about yesterday, I can't help but laugh at your utter stupidity.

Remember yesterday, when I said that contradictions in the Bible lead to fighting? Why doChristiansnotfollowwhattheirbiblesays

Read what I wrote. It's exactly what happened here. I wouldn't be laughing so hard if I hadn't EXACTLY predicted this.

But it's funny. You guys are even WORSE than what I had predicted. You are both so immature and your religion is so stupid that I can't help but laugh. It's a sick kind of laugh though.

It's not funny.

It makes me sick, because this same BULLSHIT is happening between Shia muslims and Sunni muslims.

Who's right? Who gives a fuck, you seem to have forgotten that this issue is based in the SUPERNATURAL.

You are fighting and getting ANGRY over MAGIC.

You are both insane. Why don't you stop believing in your stupid bullshit and become friends like sane people? You know?

You can hate me, but don't ignore what I'm saying. If you both had no religion, you would not be fighting.

Your religion leads to anger and hate and division.

That's why you're stupid. I'm not a bigot. I'm TRUTHFUL. Your religion is EVIL because look at how it divides people who could have been friends.

You RUINED a potential friendship because of your stupid religion. Good job.

0 points

AHAHAHAH, yeah, you're right, aren't you?

You sure beat his argument.


HEEHHEHEHE, you are so deluded, along with lolzors. I can't even believe I'm reading this.

I am SO lucky to have clicked this.

Oh, btw Lolzors, this is what I mean when I said in that other argument that you were straight up LYING.

You're both going straight to the deepest pit of hell, aren't you?

Baby Jesus laughs at you both, and I do too.

1 point





ALL OF YOU. You can't even agree. If this was the fucking MIDDLE AGES YOU'D BOTH GO TO WAR.

You stupid humans make me sick.

1 point

I have the feeling you didn't comprehend what I said.

I don't care what you believe about gay marriage, some people use the same Bible to say that it's WRONG.

And what of the greek text? We are talking about the English Bible that most people use today. That is what is taught in churches and what most people believe.

Again, it doesn't matter if it "makes sense", the problem is that the Bible is open ended enough for you to say "According to the Bible, weed is fine to smoke" and open ended enough to also say "According to the Bible, smoking weed is a sin."

1 point

.....Are you seriously just straight up lying?

Wow. I mean, that's just straight up lies. What the hell dude.

1 point

If people wrote the bible, then the bible would also likely be corrupt, especially when so many people contributed to it.

If even one of those people wanted power or to control people, they could potentially edit any line in the bible they wanted and 500 years later, no one would ever know.

It could be that most of what is in the Bible now is a complete lie.

1 point

What if they are the REAL Christian because they know smoking weed is wrong?

What if the person who made the debate is the false Christian and actually IS going to hell, and the other Christian is TRUE, and only giving a friendly warning?

1 point

Maybe you're the bad Christian for smoking weed.

Maybe he's bad for condemning you.

Maybe you're both bad because the Bible is so incredibly open ended you could use it to justify just about anything, from gay marriage to anti gay marriage, to wars, to smoking pot, to not smoking pot.

I mean, Jesus says LOVE, so gay marriage should be legal if there's love.

But the Bible also says gayness is an ABOMINATION, so make it illegal.

If God made all the plants of the Earth and told Adam to use them, then smoking pot is fine.

But if God doesn't want you to put drugs in your body, then smoking pot is VERY bad.

If Jesus says PEACE, then war is bad. But if Jesus says "Slay the heathens", then war is VERY good.

So who knows. Probably best to find a better book to base your life on that isn't filled with stories of the future apocalypse and necromancy and violence and horror and rules and advice that can lead a person to condemning someone for smoking pot, or justifying smoking pot.

1 point

This is true. There is not much you can say to dispute this, I don't think.

It IS brainwashing. Perhaps not "professional drug induced torture brainwashing", but it's still brainwashing.

0 points

Everyone else is stupid though.

you know the average person? you know how dumb they are?

well here's some news. 50% of people are dumber than that. =I

1 point

The meaning of life has the same meaning that art has.


2 points

Paying for what I'm doing?


wow, talk about insane standards.

I'm just being me. If someone doesn't like it, they can fuck off, mortal or not.

2 points


Are you joking? You're completely dead wrong.

It's like I said about the puzzle pieces. You tried to mash them together, and they SORTA fit, but there are a lot of edges that doesn't match up.

Judas's money is either in the temple or in the hands of a former field owner.

That part really complicates the next part:

Was Judas remorseful or was he smote by God? Your attempt to alleviate the contradiction doesn't fly if he didn't buy the field.

He wouldn't have hung himself if he hadn't felt bad about it.

If he hadn't felt bad about it, he wouldn't have throw the money into a Jewish temple and bought a field with the money.

Your story doesn't make sense, so please don't take a stance like "No use of me explaining."

You are wrong. The Bible DOES contradict itself, and even if you try to mash the pieces together, it doesn't work on just THIS ONE contradiction.

I'm looking at 400 more that are probably more or less difficult to explain, and I must say you're wrong.

Concede or you're nothing more than a deluded fanatic.

2 points

A dead body would NOT gain weight. Bloat would be caused by gas, but it would NOT increase weight. It would likely decrease it if anything. I doubt the rope would snap before a month if it was able to support the snapping of a neck.

Not to mention, where is the difference in emotion? There is the smiting that god does, where Judas is wicked, and Judas where he smites HIMSELF, due to guilt.

What about that part? Also, it would make no sense for someone to notice what happens to Judas's body weeks or more after he hung himself. Why would they be keeping watch and writing down what happened?

And about his money. He either bought the field or he threw the money into a temple.

2 points

Yes, but why just one? You say moving process, but again, even if you resolve one, there are over 400 I see.

That makes for a far more complicated process, doesn't it? The fact that SO MANY exist in such a book is very disturbing and makes me doubt that it is very genuine or honest. I can't trust a book with so many contradiction.

Trying to MAKE it work is like forcing two puzzle pieces together.

Like for instance, the part in the Bible where Judas betrays Jesus.

In one part, it says that he goes to a field that he had bought with the blood money and falls face first into it, his stomach and chest having exploded inside him and now gushing out. Smote by God.

In another part, it says Judas is sorry and throws the money into a temple and hangs himself.

How can he be both punished by God in one part, dying a greedy traitor, while in another, he feels remorse and hangs himself?

There is no way to make this work without doing what I said to the puzzle pieces. You can pretend it can fit, but the truth is that it's so different, so contradictory that it can't work.

How can you resolve this without straight out lying to us or deluding yourself into thinking both are equally true?

2 points

Why just one?

Sure you might be able to resolve one, but 50+?

I highly doubt that, especially numerical contradictions and names.

1 point

Btw, I gagged when you said "biblical fact".

What a disgusting combination of words. =X;;;;;

1 point

What if by obeying strange rules in order to gain immortality was actually Satan's desire for you, while what is good, is to make money to support the hobbies you enjoy, to find love and to be a leader in life?

What if obedience was NOT a virtue? What if God wants you to obey because he wants the power, he wants your love and he wants you to give him everything?

To me, this makes Satan good and your god evil, doesn't it? See, an afterlife, no matter how much you believe, you cannot PROVE it exists. This is a massive problem, that if you are smart, you will recognize, and if you are not, if you want to try to convince me that an afterlife does exist, I respectfully recommend you kill yourself first, then come back and tell me about it.

If you cannot do that, then do not try to back up the existence of an afterlife, and do NOT tell me that ANY mortal knows of an afterlife or of a god, because you CANNOT know of a god that exists in reality, or else there would be one religion and atheism could not be a concept, for it would be easy to verify. You need to die to know the truth, right? And because I don't randomly believe in ancient books, I will need proof. There is no proof.

There is nothing that will give me a "for sure" answer.

Of course, this argument can't really make sense to you, can it? If you think Satan is real, or that God is real, then you are already in a bad place, right?

You're already on Earth, so you should enjoy your immortality after you die instead of wasting your life on the internet. Why not beg for forgiveness again, so you aren't tortured? No seriously, beg. That's basically what you're telling Cartman to me. Beg for forgiveness so that he isn't tortured.

Because what, God is good? And Satan is the bad guy? It'd be nice if life was that simple.

1 point




Don't tell me you believe that. Yes, some goes to charity, but haven't you wondered why the vatican is super rich? Why nearly ALL preachers, especially those megachurch ones are super rich?

Don't say something stupid and "absolute", and I won't either, but you cannot deny that religion, when it comes to money, is not very honest.

1 point


Prove it then. I don't think four horsemen exist in any way, unless you call what, Dawkins, Sagan, Tyson and Einstein horsemen?

Or maybe the new pope, some popular priest? What? This is silly.

Of course it's silly though, we are talking about the apocalypse. =|

1 point

Yes, that's extremely true, isn't it?

And the very fact that no one can agree on truth makes me very skeptical of religions.

They seem like a scam. Of course, they ARE a scam, and that's exactly why churches are rich.

1 point

I honestly tried to phrase it as biblically as possible.

Maybe I exaggerated, but only to bring out how silly it is, right?

Even if you tone it down 20%, it's still pretty fucking crazy, isn't it? I couldn't take someone seriously if they actually believed even 50% of what I said above. It's completely insane.

1 point

No seriously, don't you ever question your beliefs? You sound extremely ignorant.

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