
Fortify's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Fortify's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

You are like a case study in Freudian projection, bronto. You should be publicly banned from using words like "hypocrite".

I am not Bronto. You are a simpletaneous pickled horse scrotum in a jar. You think you are the good guy, but you are just another one picking sides and causing division in humanity.

1 point

This reminds me of a guy who thought a similar utopia on earth could happen. I think he called himself fact marine or something. He was such a utopian idiot, he was kind of a dick too.

1 point

Helping one person because if you just throw money at a gongregation of people, you might help white people, men or Conservatives, all of which have privilege.

Wow. What a hypocrite. So much for being mr. big collectivist Marxist pants.

1 point

Many democrats are christians. Many christians hate democrats. Your lack of ideological reconciliation is disturbing. Further division will result in destruction.

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