
MKIced's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MKIced's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Well duh of course the Drumpf considers them a terrorist group because that's the only thing he knows how to do, point fingers and call people names and blame. The bumbling idiot can't even show his face to the country right now because even he knows he's royally screwed. I think the true terrorist group most dangerous to the country is the far right white supremacists. AKA Team MAGA. AKA their cousins are their siblings. AKA missing a few chromosomes... and teeth.

2 points

He should get life without parole and throw away the key. Fuck the death penalty. Make him live with his terrible choices for the rest of his life. And put him in a jail with lots of black inmates too to really mess with him.

2 points

Oh my god yeah social media has a left wing bias. Because the number one demographic online are young people. And we realized that when we exchange ideas with each other, we tend to open up our minds more and become more empathetic, less xenophobic and angry. I think the right wing needs to take a moment to put themselves in other people's shoes and stop listening to Trump's hateful and racist rhetoric. History remembers who chose Hitler's side and history will remember who stood by Trump as well.

1 point

The video is clear. The man is begging for his life gasping for air with labored respirations and a raspy voice. His hands are behind his back already in handcuffs and he is face down being held down by 3 strong men, one of whom has likely the majority of his body weight on his neck. Multiple bystanders ask the officer to stop. When Floyd stops breathing, they plead with the officers to check his pulse and let him breath. This goes on for minutes until they lift his limp lifeless body onto the stretcher.

Now maybe a layperson might be naive enough to put their weight on someone's neck in an effort to subdue them. But police officers are supposed to be trained in basic first aid and CPR as well. That whole team should have identified that the "threat" was under control and that he needed medical attention. And keep in mind this is a course you need to renew every 2 years. He kept his knee on this man's neck after he stopped breathing and they didn't do anything to help him. This leaves one of two options: either the officers were all undertrained and not really equipped to work in the field, or there was some personal desire behind his actions. Those officers did not look at those black people as equals. Had this been a white person, the chain of events never would have led to the same outcome and we all know that.

1 point

I think a big part of it comes down to pride. It's a very American thing to be Proud to be an American TM. And with pride comes complacency in oneself, almost cockiness. Believing in yourself so much that you ignore the negative aspects because it doesn't fit your image. So many Americans have the belief that this country is the best in the world and if you're the best, then you're clearly the smartest. It's delusional.

Another big issue is greed. The top 1% own a disproportionate amount of wealth in the country, among the highest in the first world. So many Americans live in or near poverty and it's truly sad. When you're having trouble putting food on the table, it's hard to prioritize studying or helping your child study. And come time to finish high school, or even sooner, it's time to get to work. Not to mention that this whole imbalance of power makes the government easily swayed by the elite, who want to keep the status quo the way it is by underfunding education and ignoring the student loan crisis.

1 point

Absolutely. Every single case and every single death is being reported so we're all hypervigilant about it. If the news reported every case of the flu, they'd need to run a channel 24/7 reading names out continuously. Sure, the medical community should be concerned about COVID-19. We should seek to reduce transmission, search for a vaccine, and optimize supportive care for affected patients.

But as for the general public? Treat this as you would the flu- since most of you don't get vaccinated anyway. Wash your hands. Properly. And stay away from sick and febrile people like you normally would. Cover your cough and sneeze. And try zinc, it's good for viruses. Vitamin C doesn't do anything.

2 points

Not everyone is meant to go to college. Some people just are not intellectual enough and that's okay! We need people to still do manual labor and service jobs- and they cannot all be filled with teenagers. My mom actually worked in a poor school district that prioritized getting as many of their kids into college as possible. As virtuous as this sounds, many ended up failing out after 1 or 2 semesters. Some people are meant to not go to college.

1 point

You can't make everyone follow all the rules............................

2 points

I do agree wealth inequality is one of the most important topics about this upcoming election. It's really abhorrent that multi-billionaires can openly flaunt their wealth when we have millions of Americans who struggle to put dinner on the table, people who ration out their insulin to save money, and parents who work 2 or 3 jobs just to support their families. I am glad that most of the Democratic candidates have decided to place wealth inequality as one of their top priorities to address if elected.

2 points

You are talking about a huge group of people who have literally abandoned facts, journalism and even science. It cannot be reasoned with, it cannot be appeased and it cannot be negotiated with.

You do make a good point lol, but I do stand by the belief that those people will only become more vocal if Trump loses (honestly regardless of who beats him though).

1 point

I believe it's a bit asinine to attribute the economy of a country of 300+ million people to any specific presidency. Yes, a president can have a lot of influence about economic policies, taxes, tariffs, trade, etc. But a capitalist economy is affected by so much more as well. We are 3 years in now, we cannot put 100% of the blame for anything on Obama anymore, that's irresponsible.

1 point

Well gender and sex are two different things. Babies are born with a sex (Male/Female/Intersex), they are not born with a gender. You may raise them with a specific gender, as most babies are. But that does not mean they're born with it inherently. It develops.

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