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This personal waterfall shows you all of Mika's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

...that is why our society got stuck on stage of developing countries. we need a lot of time to change our mentality and move forward. the first step should be providing of educated and non-selfish governors who intend to develop country and increase the level of life.

1 point

I disagree with the statement that teens who study at the university should work. In my country it is better to finish the university first and after it to have some practice at work. I think that people who spends time for earning money cannot study properly they lose their time for getting and learning new useful information.

1 point

I think guns it is a thing like fishing tackle and in right hands is not dangerous one, that is why to allow to own the guns is normal nowadays. for example, many people have habit of hunting as a hobby or keeping weapon for self - protection.

1 point

I am really upset after reading this page. One side thinks school uniform good idea to make all students equal and to create one gray mass; others believe that it prevents individuality expression. in my mind school is the place where children get Knowledge, there is no competition of clothes. Every institution has it`s own rules(clothes, shoes, helmet...) and to pay so much attention to clothes is stupid. Kids should concentrate on GETTING KNOWLEDGE!!!

1 point

Yes, i am absolutely sure... Death penalty should be used as a mean of disposal from pedophiles, drag - pushers and serial murderers. People who had killed people and had done violent actions related to children should not have chance to live in our society!

1 point

i absolutly egree with u we should respect own culture and culture of others. More over i believe that now days we have superculture and most traditions are mix of different ones. For ex. a lot of nations сelebrate St. Valentine Day.

4 points

i do not think that is true because the main difference between pupils is the ability to think. If the brain of person works does not matter poor this person or rich.

1 point

I absolutely disagree with legalization of Marijuana!!!! It is nonsence, because Marijuana is the drugs and has "negative health effect is the long term effect on the hippocampus which retains memory in the brain. Research has shown that excessive marijuana smoking can cause damage to the brain" ( Think about our children! I live in Kazakhstan, there is a suburb, the place where Marijuana grows and takes huge territory, As a result here is a lot of idiots because of constant using.

1 point

i see what u mean, but alcohol is not a problem of whole population, it is the trouble of people who sees(saw) the example of bad behavior, has(d) problems with parents (in family) or lives(d) among drunk fellows, сolleagues or relatives. i believe that government should not forbid alcohol, better way will be to grow up the healthful generation in moral, psychiatric and physical aspect.

2 points

That may be true, but it seems to me that relationship shuold be beneficial for both sides either woman or man. I take the view that relationships should consist of the respect, love and support; also provide comfort of being near each other and oppotunity to relate with common friends. In the case of feeling problems or dissatisfaction it will be better to refuse the relations. I absolutly agry with the statments what was said by Omar Khayyam that "Better be hungry than eat whatever food,

And better be alone than with whoever."

1 point

I think somebody exists in our Galaxy. Just imagine there are a lot of stars are similar to our Solar System, and it is possible to discover a planet such as the earth occupied by some beings. "Gliese 581g is in the 'Goldilocks zone' of its solar system, where liquid water could exist, and is a strong contender to be a habitable world" ( sep/29/earth-like-planet-gliese-581g)

2 points

I don’t agree that somebody from space visited the Earth. People have colorful imagination and just want to believe that we are not alone in the Universe. There no evidence that our planet was visited and I’ve never heard about the scientists who proved this theory. For example, The stone heads of Easter Island are also a mystery for many people but recently fact that it were made by people was proved, Philip Coppens wrote “Some statues have a “pukao”, or “hats”, on their head. The name originated from reports of the first visitors, who had spotted certain local people with a headdress made of red feathers. This small number of hatted heads has puzzled archaeologists for many decades. The volcanic rock used for the hats came from a sacred quarry inside a crater full of red scoria, a volcanic pumice. The rock had to be transported for several miles on rolling tree trunks.”( )

1 point

The law based on moral principle. And crimes are crimes anyway. for ex. murderer should be punished and it does not matter black or white, powerful person or not. Before the confirmation of the guilt we are all have right of presumption of innocence despite nation, race or age. We are people that is why we are all equal and have the same rights.

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