
Mors777's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mors777's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yeah, like no one's going to be biased or subjective in this debate.

Over my extensives reasearch on a majority (one) of debating websites, I've found that the best one, of course, is CreateDebate.

(Can I have triple points for this?)

1 point

Actualy, Srom only gets so many comments because his arguments are both intellectual and inspring to so many others.

1 point

What about America defeating Britain in the revolution? Britain is weak.

2 points

I still don't understand your previous comment to me.

1 point

What are you talking about? And how do you know I'm a fundamentalist Chrisitian?

0 points

I don't do that. Making alternative accounts would be untruthful.

1 point

I believe that we should get double points, this would make createdebate a better and fairer society for all.

1 point


1 point

Actually, France had a strong resistance building up while under Nazi control, it is likely they would have successfully revolted without need of British intervention.

1 point

Love what?

1 point

So that they can be like America, we have an eelcted President and our the best country in the world.

1 point

What are you on about you weirdo?

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