
Mynx's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mynx's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No. If real music was about pure abuse and "disses" while brutally ripping the english language apart, then it would be. Yes, some music that is not rap has abusive themes, and may insult other people, and maybe take some grammar issues with it, but at least it's not a constant annoyance.

2 points

I wouldn't say that Christianity is the exact core, or root, but religion does indeed cause more problems then it does solutions. Holy war is the dumbest thing humanity can go to (aside from digg), as it's just "My god is better and real, and every single idea you grew up with is total shit and now I will kill you to prove it". Is it any better then 7 year olds fighting over the outcome of their latest Yu-Gi-Oh game? In fact, perhaps the 7 year olds are smarter, as at least they know that their magical figures and ideas are all fake.

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