
NadhirahZain's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Hitler is the sole reason that World War 2 to happen. He started to break the curfew of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler expanded Germany’s military power even though he could only have 100000 men (army), 15000 men (navy), no air force, no tanks and no submarines. He militarise the Rhineland which he gave excuse saying that it was self defence against Franco-Soviet Alliance. Hitler took advantage of the events and used it to accomplish his goals. He knew that even though the British and France were powerful potential enemies, they were not willing to go to war so he tried to abolish the Treaty of Versailles. The Germans believed that Hitler was justified in his actions. When Hitler said that French should be disarm to the same level as Germany or Germany get to rearm to French level at League of Nations and was rejected of his idea. Hitler uses this as an excuse to withdraw from the League of Nation and started to increase Germany’s military power towards his expansionist policy aims. Hitler started to get Germany involve in the Spanish civil war to test out his troops. Then during 13 March 1938, Hitler had control over Austria which means he broke a regulation of the treaty of Versailles, Britain and France did not know. He was given the Sudetenland by Prime Minister Chamberlain through an appeasement so that Hitler would not start a war. Hitler broke the appeasement and started to invade Czechoslovakia. Hitler had his eyes on Poland and invades Poland. With his expansionist policy, Hitler was able to go to war. Hitler has the most responsibility for the outbreak of World War 2.

However, some responsibilities lie on the League of Nations as they were supposed to upkeep peace and prevent such war to happen. The weaknesses of the League of Nations partly caused the outbreak of World War 2. They wanted to ensure that Germany would not start a second war but yet they help Hitler to perform and achieve his goals. The League of Nations gave fascists’ leaders the opportunity to do whatever they wanted with the Policy of Appeasement. When Japan invaded Manchuria, all they did was they gave them warnings. Their response was not firm and allowed countries like Germany, Japan and Italy to walk over them. The League of Nations allowed Hitler to rebuild his army and strength due to the failure of the Geneva Disarmament Conference and his withdrawal from the League of Nations. This enabled Hitler to rapidly improve Germany’s military abilities for his expansionist policy. Furthermore, the League of Nations was powerless and silent in event such as Hitler’s remilitarisation of the Rhineland. The League underestimated Germany’s power when they had stronger military and they thought that could handle Germany to prevent them from starting war. Thus, in all, Hitler is not the only one to blame for. The weaknesses of the League of Nations also had some role that lead to the outbreak of World War 2. The weaknesses of the League of Nation caused World War 2 when they gave ways for Hitler to improve and become powerful.

Done by: Yu Shun & Nadhirah Zain

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