
Redeemed's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Redeemed's arguments, looking across every debate.
Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, hun. i do agree with you guys, on about, half of the issues. Who i agree with depends on who, says what, and how.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

I'm not looking, for any drama. Be careful, wash your hands, and I'm not a liberal, so why are you, upset? Talk to, me.

1 point

Right? i used to be an ifot, and it's amazing how it takes extreme mental duress, for me to support, Trump. Hormones, effect, everything, my dear. Bernie 2020.

2 points

Right? he is worse, than i was, and I am menopausal. What is his, excuse? ha, ha.

1 point

She's not, a socialist, and neither, am I. I am a centrist, but I don't know, her political, affiliation. Why do you call everyone a socialist, that disagrees, with you?

1 point

I agree. Religion without a holy book, is spirituality, which is similar, but not the exact same thing. good work, hun.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
2 points

Thanks, hun. May we start over?..............................................................................................................

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
2 points

I found out why I have been bitchy, for so long. i am paramenopausal, a little early. i started taking natural estrogen for it, and am starting, to get better. i do plan on asking my provider, to prescribe birth control, so i don't have to be depressed, fearful, angry, or tired. i have so many regrets over how I treated you, and I'm deeply sorry. i still disagree with you on some things, but that does not make my behavior right. i just thought, you should know. god bless, you.

2 points

I disagree. Have you heard of comparative religion, and the study therof? I have been studying religion, since I was 5, and I shit you not, my bad ass Mama, is so awesome, for making me learn.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

I don't want to be a Muslim, but I do believe in reading a book, before I comment, on it.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

Right on. How have you, been?............................................................................................................

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

Huh? What do you, mean, hun? i don't think i have to like something, to support someone's right, to do it.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

I am personally opposed to abortion, but think prolifers can fuck themselves. I just sign a Planned Parenthood petition, and have funded birth control, through them. Any questions?

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

Yes it is a response, and yes I am addressing, what you said. You are most assuredly trolling here, and I am not going to allow that. What you said, is scientiifically wrong, and you are just looking for drama, where there should be none. Goodbye, and have a nice day.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
2 points

I agree hun. I am not looking, for any shit, just saying a better way, to be logically prochoice.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
-1 points

Yes it is. It is not the mother's body, that is being aborted, according, to science. Me pointing out science, is an argument.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

It's not the mother's body being aborted, but I do think abortion, should be safe, legal, and rare, whether antis, like it, or not.

1 point

I tell them, to go fuck themselves. i have the right to live too. good reasoning, hun.

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

What would you call it, if person A, shot person B, in the face, for no good reason? That would be wrong, yes?

1 point

Yes. i am a sinner. i have been so mean to god, and walk in repentant faith. God is so amazing, to Hus creation.

1 point

Centrism, is different, than fascism, but you come back now, ya hear?

Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

It's up to you, hun. Your body, your choice. Dye your hair, or not, however you so choose.

1 point

Right on, thanks for sharing your thoughts. make sure to get back to me soon, ya hear?

1 point

And, you are done. No abuse, on my debates.......................................................

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