
Shianne's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shianne's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I oppose on thomas jefferson. he only freed blacks so that the north(people that only loved him) would get off his back. In the Notes on Virginia he stated that blacks are inferior to blacks but they hold only memories. In 1806 he issued a law that stated blacks had to leave the state within a year.

1. freed blacks were becoming a threat to slavery.

@. Blacks knew how to do everything so there was so much more competition that the whites didn't want to put up with.

1 point

i dont think albert einstein is the most respectable person in history is because he helped with the atomic bombing of japan when he was still alive. He came up with the formula e=mc^2 and then when the bomb was launched he then claimed it was the single greatest mistake of his life. It took 500 billion people for him to realize what he did was wrong. He helped with the production and construction of the first atomic bomb. That later influenced people nowadays to act as terrorist.

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