
Surtle's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Surtle's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

They said the world was going to end in the year 2000 but what happend absoulutely nothing just because someone predicts something doesent mean they can predict everything the world will not end for another something million years or if we man kind do it by mistake it will not end for god sakes


1 point

Why ban pet shops isnt there the quote "a mans best friend" really i understand the pound but i come from a family where i am growing up with more then 42 pets and no i dont live on a farm im just a person who lives in a town like everyone else/suberb

Pounds are great if you know what your looking for but really who whants a pet who has a diesese and it dies acoiuple of weeks later or you find out the diesese is really bad and you end up paying thousands of dallars to fix the dieses then actully just having a pet for tons of years could you imagine turning around to your kids and saying the animal you have loved for so long is now dead because of so and so diesese thats like taking away there favorite toy and smashing it straight in front of them

they would be heart broken but if you can have a pet for there life until they grow up and understand they will be happy...

everyone loves pets and to honestly tell you i know people like so called "greenies"

want most animals to be free but do they know what the animal wants does the animal really want to be free and nothing to love and care for them

pretend your an animal for a second would you like to have fun fetching balls playing with people and getting patted or would you prefer to eat out of a bin and live like an actual slob no i wouldnt think so

animals should be treated the way they are

I think no to torchering animals but yes to having them as pets

if you ban pet shops you might as well ban food ban beds ban houses and ban everything else thats in the damm world

i got one thing to say "PETS ARE FAMILY"

my pets get sad when im hurt...

my dog for instance willl come up and cheer me up when im down by trying to stick her head under my arm

i like pets but some pets arnt treated the right way for instance some cats

i honestly dont like how they just walk around do what they want kill what they want and ive actully had a pet of mine killed by a cat im not saying some pets are bad just i think they need control sometime

for instance you know blind people they need the guide dogs to help them walk around what are you going to do take the dogs and tell them to shove it if you take 1 dog then really your saying no to all dogs

dont ban pet shops this will really make me and alot more people sad this isnt what the world is for i thought the quote "enjoy your life you only got one"

is what its for and what about animals they follow the same quote and if they enjoy livcing with humans then thats what they should do my dog runs to me are you saying that because my dog is happy it should be taken away because i bought it from a pet shop

no i didnt think so


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