
Tarheelbaby's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tarheelbaby's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

IF so then why should it be taken out it should just be left alone. ................................................................................................................................

4 points

We have free speech!!!!!!!! America isnt becoming a religious statement that is just how people have and probably always say the pledge of alliegnce.

5 points

If people have other religious views than they should be excused from saying that part of the pledge. That is the minority, why should the majority be punished for such a minor thing. Also we have free speech rights

1 point

Mens right definitely dont get overlooked. Us as women are trying to get equal rights to be able to be considered eqaul with men.

1 point

If you are allowed to smoke outside the resteraunt then the people who do have severe allergies still have to go through the smoke outside to get where we want to go. Thats not right

4 points

What about people who are allergic to cigerette smoke like me and my mom??? I dont think its right for us to risk an attack because of smoking in public.

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