
Whiteshoes44's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Whiteshoes44's arguments, looking across every debate.

I support it because people in love, no matter the couple (man & man, woman & woman) should be able to marry. It doesn't do any harm to anyone and gay people should have that right. If straight couples can do it, then why can't gay couples? I don't care if our "constitution" was generally based off of christianity and rejects it. People who love each other should be able to spend the rest of their lives together no matter of race, sexual orientaton, gender, etc.

2 points

Go U.S.A! Free country, amazing opportunities, and a strong military.

Okay, if you can't change your sexual oreintation, then how do people CHOSE to be gay? Being gay is not a choice. It's something that just happens. Was being straight a choice for you?

I LOVE DOGS. Most dogs are really friendly and love to have attention, which i don't mind giving. They are very loving, loyal, and are a lot cuter than cats. Cats are mean and scratch the shit out of you!

No way. They could try, but i'm pretty sure that the world's best Navy and Air Force would stop them in their tracks. But that's my opinion. I don't think they'll ever do it, maybe North Korea, but not China.

USA all the way. Higher technology and the BEST military. DON'T FUCK WITH US.

DUDE. their real. it's not that hard to believe. i mean if you believe a god can do all those things that he did in the bible without a sweat, then their are definitely ghost.

Eminem probably, but as a rapper, I like Lil Wayne better.

4 points

If it wasn't for us, England would have been taken over by the Nazis in World War II. Be thankful, or we might just flash the big middle finger to you fuckers and take you over ourselves, which we most definitely could do. Don't bite the hand that feeds motherfucker, or that hand will pull down their pants and dick slap you bitches :)

2 points

WTF? this is unbelieve to even question. Dragonball z would win. idk why you guys keep mentioning Goku! Yeah, he's strong and everything, but he isn't the best. That would be Broly ladies and gentlemen. Broly would DESTORY the avatar even in his avater state. One blast would kill him in an insist. He's like 10000x times bigger than him. Dragonball z FTW!

It isn't wrong. It's morally corrupt what they are doing. The dead are supposed to be buried in peace and these people are the complete opposite. Ohh, and by the way, the group doing this is called the Westboro Baptist Church. Ignorant, isn't it? A church going to funerals doing this! What a shame..

Is homosexuality wrong?

No. If it's wrong, then so is Heterosexuality.

Why is it wrong?

It isn't.

What gives religions the right to take away the freedom from homosexuals?

Because our government was pretty much based on Christianity and it's followings and the bible teaches people that homosexuality is wrong when it's really not.

Why are people so ignorant to think it is a choice?

Because once again, the bible says it's wrong so people think it's a choice instead of it being a development in someones body. It has been biologically proven that when someone is young, homosexuality starts to develop in their brain and they have no influence on stopping or starting it.


Human Nature lol. You can't stop it from happening. The reason I know this is because I am one. I had no choice. I didn't want it to be this way and even contemplated about kill myself because of what everyone would think. But I never did obviously.

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