
Annya's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Annya's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It's not only about about accepting homosexuals for who they are, it's also about promoting equality. Not only will it promote equality on the topic of love, but it can further promote equality between women and men’s superiority, racism all the way to freedom of speech for all of us. We as people have the capability to make a diffrence and either make this world a place for a suffering or an enjoyable adventure. I hope I made an honest impact on your view on homosexuals, continue spreading the love all around.

1 point

There would be an increase of successful adoptions. There are millions of kids a year that are being put in foster homes because of financial issues, rape victims and many other reasons. Homosexual people are being denied the right to adopt a child just because “they can not play the part of a father or a mother”. Homosexual people don't constantly tell stright’s how to be parents. They don't claim if one is a good role model as a father or a mother, so why should hetrosexual people be the judge of this concept for homosexuals? Other than this very important point I explained above, hundreds of millions of little young foster kids would remain without an education, loving families and most importantly a place to call home.

1 point

It will diminish youth suicide. Many young teens are in the realms of self discovery, learning more about their bodies their feelings, the people that surround them and most importantly the harsh and cruel reality of the outside world. Many teens suffer from depression and even worse suicide because of non acceptance and bullying. One of the many reasons is there sexuality. Who are we to push young teens to the point that they don't find a reason to continue living just because of their sexuality.

1 point

I believe that gay people should be allowed to get married and the law should never get in between that. One of the many reasons I think it should be legal for a homosexual to get married is, just as a straight heterosexual man or woman are completely granted the right to get married it is equally as fair for a gay person to also be granted this right logically. Homosexual people have never in large protesting groups tried to outlaw heterosexual marriage, so if they don't seem to have anything against our rights, why should we have anything against their human rights? They are human just like any other straight person and their values should mean just as much and we should all never be allowed to punish a person for their sexuality, especially when they weren't thrown into it. They were born with this desire that is completely normal and should be acceptable.

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