
Blizzardbird's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Blizzardbird's arguments, looking across every debate.

You are pissed because you are a loser.

I didn't threaten you, you dumb fuck. Learn to fucking read.

You would have done anything to maintain the illusion that you have already beaten me, so yes, you are actually threatening me, I just don't think you realise it!

(I ought to become a doctor, this is so fun!).

Nope. You never succeed in anything. All you have done is ended actual discussion. Why would you come to a debate website to kill the discussion?

I certainly haven't ended anybody else's discussions. As for you, are you implying that I was just talking to a corpse all along?

That's worse than a pigeon, a corpse playing against a pigeon I think is what IamSparticus had in mind.

Hi there private troll. There is nothing to give up, I beat the hell out of you. Good day loser.

Fucking punk. You've only succeeding in pissing me off a little bit. Don't you realise what it means if I was to just come crashing into you?

Please, don't send threats to people online that you don't know, especially those that you think you do.

Trust me, show some respect to the grown ups (hehehehe), at least trust me, I know all about internet safety by the sounds of it. You've got a mouth.

Yep, you proved that you don't cherish them at all.

You've just lost. Just give it up.

Yep. You did show you didn't cherish them at all.

Alright, no need to repeat yourself. We already know, hint.

You have made 0 points while attacking my post that actually did make a point.

You mean upvotes? The people on this site are usually just insecure little dicks who need a nerdy wannabe debate killer who like you, who always fails in his efforts.

(actually think about this one, focus on the words, it's subtle for you).

You haven't actually made those points dumb shit.

What's up, don't like me asking questions?

Yes, that's called not debating.

But we're not able to debate with you, doesn't mean that people don't debate with each other (albeit they don't debate properly either).

Well, as I have proven you wrong over and over, you should pick my side by default.

I guess you're that snotty little girl who just wants to be king of the castle while killing all of the other kingdoms in his own little world.

Except they do exist exactly how I think. You are too dumb to understand my thoughts.

I believe you are just imaging rights.

That's self explanatory, lmao!

Too bad when thousands of other people believe that we have no right to spread nonsensical shit. Then that absence of a right becomes real, because we are effected by it, especially when it effects others.

No they didn't you fucking retard. You think Churchill told Hitler he was acting like an idiot. Are you so childish you assume everyone else is childish?


You're so dumb you imagine things! I don't think you have any idea of the expectations that Churchill had of Hitler, or the expectations that Hitler had of Churchill!

I realized that problem literally a second after I hit submit.

Couldn't tell ya.

I highly doubt that Cartman is any good at chess. That's why he imagines that my pieces on the board are feces from a pigeon.

He doesn't have much positional understanding, that's why he gets himself in stupid tangles.

And no, I'm not pigeon either.

You never actually took that first step. You hypocritically pointed out that the first step involves answering questions that you then never answered.

I didn't need to. You were incapable of answering those questions yourself.

I could have provided different possibilities for each of those questions, but if you were incapable of answering those questions, you would also have been incapable of answering my answers, let alone questioning them.

Go fuck off.

Really? You are like 10 steps behind everyone here.

You're hoping that everybody here has forgotten about the shit you have said.

You actually have no idea what is supposed to be discussed, so your opinion is worthless.

You've lost you're chance of me ever providing answers to the questions that I have put forward.

(I have every right to ask questions, at the very first moment I asked them, you jumped in telling me that I had no right to ask questions.

You can't even answer questions so you shouldn't tell anybody that asking them is wrong.



Fucking dick.

Excellent. Thank you for admitting that you never made an argument either. How does it feel to be so hypocritical? Is there anything you do that you think other people should do?

I don't think you are able to take things one step at a time, are you?

I've just tried to take the very first step that it takes to highlight the opening of the argument, but you batted it out of hand.

You do this with everybody, often you actually have no excuse for it.

Why do you find all this so excellent? I think nothing of it. Me being wrong doesn't make a difference and even if you consider yourself to be right, you still haven't learnt anything new.

(although we both know that you're wrong).

You need somebody to actually help get you off this site, it's doing you no good, it's just some stupid drug you're taking.

More chill. Plus when you look at him you know he's just giving you a hard time. I just either get more outrageous or just smile and say nothing.

I think the reason he is so calm in real life is probably because of the antidote he gets when he gets reactions from people on this site.

If createdebate was ever closed, I don't think he could ever cope.

Right, because quoting only one word like you did is stupid.

I've quoted quite a lot more than just one word.

Quoting an entire argument does not disprove oneself. You should try it some time.

I've already proven that I'm right. What's up, do you want to fight or something?

You've got problems, why not just ignore me?

I call you a five year old, and you call me a pathetic little boy. Who would really be the pathetic little boy there? I am going with the one who says "I know you are, but what am I?

Seriously, calling someone a five year old does not make them a five year old.

You've got to grow up, what's up with you, I rarely post here nowadays.

Just ignore me, I'm curious.

I personally know Cartman. He's not so bad.

That's no excuse. He acts badly on this site.

What is he like in person?

So keep responding!!!

True, Thanks!

Be careful though, Cartman will think that you were complimenting him! You know what he's like, rofl!

You have to fucking address them asshole. Telling people what points needs to be discussed is not debating.

There is no better way to make a point other than to show that you uphold and cherish those points. I showed how much I cherished those points by telling you how you needed to use them.

Debating is all about making points, idiot and I certainly debated better than you did.

Learn English, how can debating not be about making points that are in opposition to other points?

No, you weren't you stupid fuck. You have to actually pick a side to address those points. Saying what needs to be addressed is different than addressing it.

I hadn't decided what side to pick yet, the likes of ambiguously generic snotheads like you have made it hard.

Oh, I live in America. In America we have freedom of speech. I don't know what backward ass fucking country you live in, but here in civilization you have the right to say things.

Freedom of speech, my ass. How fucking stupid. Tell that to your boss, see how that goes. I prefer responsibility, myself, that is how I determine what I have a right to do, asshole.

Fortunately for you, you have the right to be a detriment to the site. A freedom you exercise all the time, by the way.

I don't think you know where rights come from. They don't exist in the way you think.

I should avoid educating you? Why?

You never will, you can't educate anyone, you're too much of a small fry that you have to resort to the online world to at least try to educate people.

You dumb shit. You just proved my statement right.

What statement?

No shit. That's what I was saying.

No, you contradicted that, idiot.

That's the nicest thing you could say. Since you are wrong about absolutely everything you think I am not a narcissist and not a psychopath. Cool.

It's not funny to deny something and pretend that I have other things in mind, you can't run.

When are you going to start displaying some of the better human qualities?

I am showing you just how humane I am.

Why would you come to a debate website to be deliberately wrong

I think you just need to stop whining.

Which one of us decided that the founder of Islam didn't create Islam? You are the one who is wrong.



No, only a few people on here are Christian.

What the fuck?!?

It has nothing to do with religion, religion is just one means of stupidity, there are many more means of stupidity, which includes political garbage that you eat for breakfast as well as the crap on this site.

Sounds like you are starting to get upset that you can't convince people of your bullshit.

People on this site are very weak and I don't take advantage of them.

You love to restate what I already wrote pretending I didn't say it, don't you?

No, it is my own words, it just happens to be something similar to what you have said in the past. When you deflect. You deflect before you even commit a terrible intellectual and existential sin, you seem to be able to predict your own behaviour very well.

Not mine so much. You just try and wait for when you are finally accused, of cause people will accuse you, doesn't take a genius to figure that out, it just means you're aware of your own behaviour for you to predict that you will receive particular accusations, doesn't mean that you are any good any predicting other peoples behaviour.

If I accepted your answers we can't debate you dumb fucking asshole. The goal is to have answers that others don't accept. That way they can be discussed. How fucking dumb are you?

Accepting an answer and treating it like valid material to be reckoned with means you are accepting it. It is only in arguments when you don't accept an answer, it doesn't happen in proper debates.

If you aren't interested in debating, why are you on the website?

To squash you all till you do.

You made yourself look like a complete idiot. I am not the one doing it. You are never honest.

Interesting Cartman, I'm sure both Churchill and Hitler accused each other of this. Making this statement doesn't make you right.

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