
Christinee's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Christinee's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

People don't change, they adapt and pretend to have changed.

1 point

The proposed filter will only filter normal web-surfing activity more commonly known as "HTTP" websites. Not only will it be completely simple to get around the filter for anyone who wants to, but it won’t be able to stop the distribution of illegal child abuse material on private underground networks, where that sort of material is traded. Filtering this is not an option, instead we could spend the money on possible police investigations that are able to penetrate the secretive groups charge those who are creating and sharing this illegal material.

This policy will not protect Australian families; in fact, it may put parents into a false sense of security. This could possibly lower their caution when it comes to supervising their children's on-line activities. Parents will begin to think there children are safe. The list of pages that will be blocked is only a tiny fraction of the material on the internet that may be thought harmful to children. Now with no careful monitoring and no watchful eyes. Children will be at more of a risk, especially with not all explicit sites being caught in the filter.

What is even more worrying is the fact the biggest risks that children face online are not exposure to inappropriate content, but inappropriate contact with others.

In order to properly protect children online, filtration is no competition against proper education. We need more education for parents about options for voluntary filtering for their computers, that can be tailored to allow a household to control their Internet content and more education for parents and children about the risks that children might face online, and what to do about them. This would be a more radical elimination to child exposure on the internet.

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