
Coffee's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Coffee's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

At the hands of science art will die?!!!!!!!!!!and love will die?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What absolute trash you talk! I am an atheist, scientifically minded, a musician, florist, artisan, creative entrepreneur, and an artist, and I am a fanatical lover of trees, flowers, nature and beauty! I am also not immoral, not a criminal, and I try to live a happy, worthwhile, and good life, in spite of all the illogical religious nutters that surround me! I try to ignore them, but pity them because they are blind to reality!

There is no god! 20000% sure of that! God is an ugly way of describing all of natures wonders, and you are a blind fool to believe this universe and all within it could ever have been manually created by one evil maniacal being called 'god'!

1 point

Religion is mind altering and dangerous, no matter which one has been used to indoctrinate or brainwash the human mind. Our brains are much more efficient and wise, when we are left to develop our own instincts, curiosity, and empathy for others. We learn from experiences that we encounter throughout our lives, and that includes learning lessons and feeling regret from our own wrong doings as well. We behave according to the way our families and communities react to our behaviour, and when we do wrong we realise it from how it affects others. It is a gradual process, and it is the best way and the natural way. Interfering in this learning, by teaching children the illogical, barbaric, nonsensical, ridiculous, and outrageous stories from fictitious (religious) books, and threatening them with horrific punishment by 'gods' ( imaginary beings) which are always scarily schizophrenic, and cruelly vindictive monsters, will damage the natural acquisition of real knowledge. If you get on the wrong side of one of these 'gods', (mythological beings), is he caring, sympathetic to your plight, or helpful in any way? NO! He will make sure you burn in hell fire for eternity if you don't do as you are told! No second chances with this lord and master! Religion is a man made tool of slavery, created by tyrannical power hungry leaders and built up using old tales from ancient beliefs. Religion is a controlling mind game that has now back fired and become insanely out of control.

It is so sad, that so many human minds have been stunted, and closed to learning from nature and reality, by religious tampering. It seems their lives are very shallow and limited, and their vision is destroyed, as they will never see the world or indeed the whole universe, in the clear, enlightened, and overwhelmingly beautiful way that I see it. They are too busy fighting each other, and seem intent on utterly destroying it!........... It makes me cry.

If you can actually believe in a 'god' you will be at risk of believing anything, and that's the danger.

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