
Cutiepie4546's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cutiepie4546's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

No matter how old she is...whether she's 17..18..19 years old. She will eventually be in the backseat of a car of someone you don't like or you don't want her to be with. Teens don't always abide to the rules. Changing the driving age won't change that.

3 points

No, because there are teens who are mature and know how to handle responsibility. Therefore we shouldn't ruin it for the ones who have waited for the day they get their license. On the other hand, the irresponsible teens should take 3 courses of driver's training and make them understand how important it is to take precaution when driving. We shouldn't raise the driving age but make the requirements stricter.

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