
Desertice's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Desertice's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I hate Hitler for killing people but also for stealing Pious Hindu sign Swastik form us and using on his flag. The sign which resembles peace and universal brotherhood became symbol of hatred because of that garbage can Hitler. He is guilty for defaming our religious symbol and starting world war which resulted in so many deaths. Osama is no less evil . He was against India and all secular forces. Both got what they deserved. I wish they had been tried and beaten up in front of public with world wide coverage.

1 point

He was a monster from every angle. Islam forbids what he did like every other religion which condems killing of innocent people. The problem is not with Islam but with countries like Pakistan , taliban which support them. It doesn't matter from which community you belong or which purpose you show behind your henious acts.There is no justification for wrong no matter how many are following you. Truth stands tall all alone but evil has to end with all the numbers supporting it.

1 point

Yes America should have arrested Laden which could have created more fear in terrorist. Killing them is easy as they themselves explode themselves as suicide bombers. But it is America's CIA who has created monster Laden to combat Russia which eventually turned Frankenstein against them. Now America is supporting Pakistan ,giving aids,but beware it is behind all terrorist activities in the world. So Killing Laden is like drop in the ocean. He was just a few metres away from Pakistan millitary base . How come they didn't had any idea? Even 50 km away from any millitary base is considered a high security area where close watch is kept. Our country India has been warning America from last 7 years that laden is in pakistan but America was giving money to same ISi which was helping Laden to safely hide and paying his bills from American Taxpayers pockets.

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