
Fjones's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Fjones's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I hear you and support part of what you are arguing and it seems you support me too. Higher education by my definition includes trade programs as well. Therefore, trade schools are included in my argument. However, this statement, ". Lots of students major in parties, fail to attend classes, and put less than the required effort into learning the course material." is merely conjecture.

I believe that education beyond high school should be free to those who complete their programs. Those who do not finish should foot the bill - that's my suggestion. Those who complete their studies in a prescribed amount of time should not have to pay (financially). Nothing in life is free but LOVE and sometimes that costs too.

3 points

College tuition should be FREE! Although opponents of this position believe that lower SES persons should not pay or contribute to the college education of someone in the upper class. However, is not that how we we operate today? Every working person is taxed and some of those dollars are used to fund public education. Some upper class individuals choose to send their children to public school while others send their children to private school. The reality is that all Americans should be afforded the right to attend college for free, just as K-12 education is free. The reality is that not all persons will elect to attend public college/university. However, there should be an opportunity to do so.

1 point

Charter schools were created to outperform public schools(Intelligence2dbates) but to date, they have not been able outperform traditional public schools in terms of standardized testing but results have been on par with traditional public schools (Gill, 2016). The main concern for the charter school movement is that private and non-profit organizations are managements and benefiting financially from students who enroll in their schools. This phenomenon results in traditional public schools losing money and interest due to the perceived novelty of the charter school movement. Although I am not completely against the concept of charters, I do believe that they are inherently "good" at their core and have students' best interests in their formation. However, using public dollars to educate students, while these public dollars are used to fatten the wallets of companies is not just. Privatization and public education should not be a formula to increase student achievement.

Gill, B. (2016, November 2). The effects of charter schools on students in traditional public schools: A review of the evidence. Retrieved from

Intelligence2 Debates. (n.d.) Charter schools are overrated. Retrieved from

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