
Kahoko's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kahoko's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Well, Mario is the most entertaining one....I don't play games now...but as a child i remember playing super Mario for was always fun

1 point

I don't think God is evil.

Most people view God as some powerful person, who watches you all time, punishes you for wrong (with hell) and rewards you for being good (with heaven), who has power to solve everything but won't, who is the reason for all our suffering, because he won't help us when we need him to, when we ask him to. God turns nasty, or evil, when people don't get what they want, when world is not the way people want it to be, when they believe God is unfair.

Just like when a child wants something and the parent does not provide him with that in spite of the fact that he can afford his child wants...then what happens..then the parent becomes evil from the point of view of child...but that does not mean the parent is evil...

If you can't get what you want, its not god's fault. He created this universe and then there is free will..He does not make you do things, he does not force you to make bad is human that get into ugly situation because of his own humans should take responsibility of their actions rather than blaming it on god.

If there is war on earth, men are fighting why blame god.

Anyway as they say

"Tat tvam asi" (Its you) (God is you)

God is not autocrat up there...he is the life....when we worship god..we don't intend to worship the idol we have..we are respecting LIFE, that makes us different that that chair you sit on.....

LIFE is not evil....NATURE is not evil....its our mind that are evil...

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