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Imagination is more important than knowledge because? imagination (mind) has the God giving ability to become like god & in his image?, place imagination, the human mind over our reality and travel time over matter(creation,liquid,gas,solid) the past and present too have and see possibilitie? meening too have prophocey and become two know and understand our future."All Invisible Things In The heavens are visible?" imagination has become like god knowing and understanding the knowledge of all our knowledge good and bad? gods knowledge!!, A time not yet matter(matter is everything that takes up expance,creation) Time Travel,,Mind over Matter,,Reality or Possibilitie.. Imagination can from the deseption of the sly one Satan,Devil,old serpent, create nervous intoxication & a imballance in the human form to produce hell,u,cin,ation like nostradamus the Alchemists of the greeks and egypt,and many tribes of this world, see in the book of prophocey revelations 11; which really means hellucination or dream concerning your future! it states thier is The two final witnesses of god still to come knowing as gods olive trees; they will be given power from god too prophesy!! there imaginations will become two know and understand all knowledge good and bad,, The two olive trees imaginations will gain divine insparation, important knowledge of all our knowledge good or bad!! There eyes will be opened and they will become like god knowing all good and bad,, "would they realise they were knaked?" The prophet joel gained divine insparation and rote"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people,, Your sons and daughters will prophesy,, your young men & woman will prophesy they will see visions and dream dreams,, your old men & woman will dream dreams,, "Even on my servant,both men and woman,I will pour out my spirit in those days and they will prophesy,, I will show wonders in the heavens above & signs on the earth below";; The human imagination will prophesy, dream dreams"revelation" see visions wonders in the "sky" heavens above and signs on earth when the human mind realisess it can not serve two masters, that it can not love both god and money! as rote in the book of "matthew6;24" 1timothie it states?"money is the root of all kinds of evil;; hebrews;try too live a life free from the love of money!! Also in matthew it states" it is easyer for a camel two fit through the eye of a needle than it is a rich man two enter the kingdom of heaven & impossible for human beings two enter the kingdom of god,, A Einstein rote that "The route two all evil is money"(ozone), All evil the devil, the sly one satan was cast down too earth in revelations11;7;12 for a short time to have power to influence the human mind!! Einstein also said"The hardest thing too find was right under your nose", If some thing was the hardest thing too find and it was right under your nose? then it is out of sight out of mind, meaning Invisible!! Romans 1;19 since what may be known about god is plain to all men, because god has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,so men are with out excuse.. The human mind and its love of money with the help of satan the enermy of creation, other wise knowing as an adversiry of god he does the opposite too god! Man refines a hydrocarbon, decaying matter patrolium spirit which is dead plants and animals. This creates a toxic imbalance of chemical compounds right under your nose in the very atmosphere that should sustain all life in this mathamaticaly combined biosphere,, The hardest thing too find right under your nose is the aqual route two all evil,, Alchemists or dodgy prophets of the past use too create mistakle atmospheres from the refining of oil which they would sit in and breath in the chemicals "petrols" present in this mistakle atmosphere to create time travel hellucination visions of the future so the imagination could gain the knowledge of all our knowledge good and bad which is bad thing too create imbalance intoxication in the human form to release the power of the imagination like god too become too know and understand all good and bad, The rainbow was placed in the clouds by god to show a sign of the covenant "the sealed pact a promise" that exists between the earth and god!! prophosey is gods knowledge of all our knowledge good and bad visualised and understood through the human imagination either from divine insparation in dreams or from the devil and the opposite too god and hell u cin ation,, so imagination is defo more importante than this money loving world,, lots more on this subject???

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