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2 points

my name is Siya Angras and i am on the proposition side of this debate stating that reality TV shows do more harm than good

my first point is:

1.assertion:Reality TV shows are a distortion of reality. Reality TV shows are planned and people think they are seeing the truth (

reasoning#1:Many actresses and actors get insulted on reality TV and ruin their reputation because of people thinking reality TV shows show the whole situation (

reasoning#2:Every reality show has a core idea to which its behavior is subdue;though the participants are not obliged to act in one way or another, they still follow the script and their behavior is evaluated.(

reasoning#3:the basis of entertainment component in the majority of reality shows ,teaches audiences to rate people based on their physical qualities.(

evidence#1:in most competition shows a clause in the contract says that the producer not the judges has the final say in who gets eliminated.(

evidence#2:In reality shows they often take different clips and edit them together to sound like a conversation and change the meaning of the talk .(

2.Assertion:reality TV shows show scenarios in which the viewer gets addicted to the show(

Reasoning#1: It is important to notice that the really shows need a hook to be part of an elite group in order to garner interest from the public(

Reasoning#2: Reality shows end with a suspenseful seen to drag viewers to their show .Even if they don’t watch the show when a person sees an ad for the show the person will become a nother one of the million viewers in the world(

Reasoning#3: Reality TV is like garbage for the mind . It is also like a highly addictive drug . I may feel good and calm u down to watch people with bigger problems than u but at the end of the show it will be nothing but a complete waste of time.(

Evidence#1:There is was a survey taken among 239 people asking them why they watch television and most people said to impress their friends and coworkers or to see what happens next.(

Evidence#2:Americans spend ⅓ of their free time watching television and 67% of that is spent on reality TV(

3.Assertion:reality TV is a bad influence to the society

Reasoning#1: Reality TV typically reveals inappropriate behavior within peer groups , often promoting aggression and bullying. In most reality shows they also show gossip and back stabbing(

reasoning #2: A typical night viewing may include fights,hair pulling, and verbal and physical bullying. What should be illegal is now entertainment for young viewers(

Reasoning#3:When people see reality TV shows. Sometimes children will imitate them,and are getting into dangerous activities. They loss their interest in studies but nowadays even the reality shows are scripted.So we will think that it is not harmful to us. (

Evidence#1: children’s learning ofaggressiveealtitudes and behaviors;and increasevictimss ofviolencee (

Evidence #2: in the show real housewives thy act catty toward another and the message that is giving is to be mean if u want respect (

now i would like to review mypointss

(go over all assertions)

that is why the proposition has won this debate

thank u my name isSiyaaAngrass

1 point

Hello my name is Siya Angras and I strongly believe that reality tv shows do not do more harm than good.

Now I would like to state my 3 points.

1st assertion- Reality tv shows give people chances to shine and express their true talents.

Reasoning- Shows like America's Got Talent and American Idol allow normal people such as you or me to show off their talents. These allow people with unrecognized talents to gain fame and wealth when they never would have been able to. Some people would have never been famous without reality tv shows.

Evidence- As I said before there are tons of current singers who became famous and rich just because of American Idol, such as Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, Chris Daughtry, Clay Aiken etc. Without reality tv shows people like Kelly Clarkson would never be famous! They would just be plain,normal people.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

2nd assertion- The show itself doesn’t do any harm, it’s how you parent your child.

Reasoning- Reality TV itself can't make the children addicted to themselves. Really, bad or negligent parenting is at fault if impressionable children are watching inappropriate shows--not the show itself. That's why most shows have ratings like 14+ for viewers minimum age. These shows are not meant for children. It is the parent’s' job to make sure that these children do not see inappropriate material.

Source: Huffington Post

Evidence- According to American Academy of Pediatrics policy issued in 2001, when it comes to choosing the best programs for your child, it noted that by watching certain carefully selected shows, children can, in fact, learn positive social behaviors, including cooperation, sharing, and good manners. "Children in the over-3 age group can learn songs, learn to count, and increase their vocabulary if they already have a good language base," says Miriam Bar-on, professor of pediatrics at Chicago's Loyola University Health System and chair of the organization's committee on public education.


3rd assertion- People can reflect on the bad actions and do what is right.

Reasoning- Many of the reality tv shows actually show bad things such as drinking, taking drugs, or swearing. However, they also show the consequences of doing these bad things. Children and even adults watching these shows can see what can happen after doing that, without experiencing it first hand. Judge,so what if these shows are not about math and science, they still are educational in the sense that they teach our younger generation right and wrong.

Evidence- The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy released a survey in 2010, in which 87 percent of teens who had watched MTV's 16 and Pregnant felt the show educated them about becoming a parent at such a young age. Some girls even say they take inspiration from these shows. 68% agree with the statement that the shows make me think I can achieve anything in life, while 62% said the shows have raised their awareness of social issues and causes.

Source: Discovery Channel

Now I would like to refute my 3 points.

Judge, I agree there is are bad effects to reality tv shows but there are many good ways to prevent that.

Thank you,

My name is Siya Angras and I believe the opposition side has won this debate.

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