
Slappy11's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Slappy11's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Thats screamo not rock. Rock is like the Who or the Rolling Stones

3 points

There is no way you can compare the KKK to an Atheist. The KKK killed multiple people because they were different. Atheists believe that there is no god. Comparing those things is like comparing Saw to Breakfast Club. Also not all Atheist hate religion I think your mixing another thing up again. I have two very Religious friends and I'm Atheist. I don't hate them so please fact check before you write.

1 point

Why do you people refer to the government as people who are about to shoot you. As far as I know Barack Obama is not going to order the military to kill us all. And as far as criminals and psychopaths go, if they can't get weapons then they won't shoot us. Remember the military/government will not go all Saddam Husein on us and neither will criminals/psychopaths if they cannot get they're hands on a weapon.

1 point

They should be able to. Speaking from a students point of view it really sucks when your stuck in a class with nobody you know and then have to do a project with them. Although kids should have to choose between science or social studies. Match and language arts should be a class you have to take. To stop people from getting mad just allow them to choose which period they are in those classes.

1 point

If not for the "Pen" we would still be fighting World War II

1 point

Will is like a machine. First we come up with something to do. Then we tweak it without knowing. Your body would tweak the action or "will" until it sees fit to let it happen. So in reality your mind is doing all the work and your mind is part of you so YES.

0 points

The only reason i don't believe in god is that he doesn't allow people to believe in other gods.

1 point

First halo is way easier to aim and fire. Second CoD very hard to aim without looking down the sights.

2 points

I don't see the point of discrimination against the gay. From my view point it looks like they're the new African Americans. Why should America always discriminate.

1 point

I agree with Bohemian on this the only thing is that in a small school you would have more money to pay for better teachers.

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