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the key not the key
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:26
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 not the key (5)

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21/12: 'Education is the key to ending poverty.' Discuss. (Jun Hol Q12)

Attempt TICK on the debate topic given. (5 min)


Write out one complete paragraph that includes PEEEL and at least 2 relevant concrete examples. You can do a quick research for your examples. (20 min)


Expectations of a proper paragraph:

1) Clear topic sentence that answers the question

2) Concrete examples - Specific names of people, places, countries, events, research studies, statistics, case studies

3) Evaluation - How your evidence supports your point and answer the question

the key

Side Score: 8

not the key

Side Score: 9
6 points

I’m sure anyone would agree that education is very important and an indispensable tool in today’s modern world. Without education, I won’t be writing this as a student to address you. Education sharpens our mind, cultivates our soul and liberates us from ignorance. It also happens to be the best Passport to gain employment; the more educated you are, the better the job, the higher the pay, the end to poverty.

Many a politician has waxed lyrical about education laying the very structure our economy is built on;for the driving force of a country’s economy is its workforce, and an uneducated workforce makes for a poor performing workforce. I’m sure most who share their sentiments also tend to define being educated as simply being literate. If that were the case, then it seems most positive for the future that literacy rates have been increasing steadily over the each passing decade; most nations would be powerhouses in their own right because of their ever increasing population of highly educated people, but that hasn’t been the case. Why is that so?

The reason is simple- it’s the quality of education. Education is not just being literate, or being good at academics, education is developing the mind and character. In this pressure cooker society that is Singapore, so much emphasis has been placed on attaining good grades that the other aspects of education have been over looked. Creativity, self expression, morals and ethics are not being given as much priority as more technical subjects such as science and maths. While this approach has worked pretty well in producing high literacy rates in our society, it is not without a downside; with rising literacy rates, it has become increasingly harder for fresh graduates to get jobs as more and more people graduate each year from universities. Employers are now faced with more resumes each year than the year before and have become more particular about who they hire. In a job when a bachelor’s degree was a prerequisite, a masters’ is now required, and one that required a masters’ now requires a PhD. What we’re experiencing now is an academic inflation; it is just not sufficient to have a degree anymore. Is education really the key to ending poverty? Or is it the start of poverty? You will find out soon enough.

Side: the key
wcjj95(6) Clarified
1 point

Willis & Daniel. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Side: the key
rsace95(1) Disputed
0 points

This is not narrative dude, what's with the cliffhanger ending?

Side: not the key
wcjj95(6) Disputed
1 point

Hush puppies.....................................................................................................

Side: the key
2 points

Government intervention is also necessary to solve poverty as they have the ability to implement pro-poor people policies so that help is rendered to them to break the poverty cycle. In several countries, it takes a long period of time for a person to complete their basic education. As a result, people will still suffer under the effects of poverty. Therfore it is necceserary for the goverment to intervene to provide aid during this timespan. Government has the power and the authority to give the people financial and social aids. These aids give more tangible results in the short run. A specific example is the Thai government's People's Bank which is making loans of $100 to $300 to help farmers buy equipment or seeds, help street vendors acquire an inventory to sell, or help others set up small shops. besides that, The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Vietnam country programme supports operations in 11 poor provinces. Between 2002 and 2010 around 1,000 saving and credit groups (SCGs) were formed, with over 17,000 members; these SCGs increased their access to microcredit for taking up small-scale farm activities. These policies give the poeple abilty to start their business. Without these aids, the people will not be able to earn income, increasing their standard of living. Hence, it is also necessary for government to interven in reducing poverty.

Side: not the key
1 point

There are many factors that influenced one state of poverty. People often assumes that education is a general solution to poverty. However, there are no two cases of poverty that are completely the same. Even in developed countries, education may not be the key to solving poverty as many other factors may play a greater role.

Education often allows a child of one's family to receive holistic knowledge and skills which may become of use in their latter part of life. Education allows a child to obtain better job opportunities and opens them to a wider variety of employment. In short, an educated person have a higher chance of getting better jobs and hence a better pay. This allows them to gain a financial security, contribute back to society and create a stable family. In a sense, it may indeed be a key in ending poverty.

However, let's look at poor families in developed countries. Education is a long-term and costly investment that a parents of a family usually commits their child into. This is often the case so that the family may be able to break out of the cycle of poverty in the future. However, in most cases, poor families does not even have the financial strength to sustain their child's education. There is a need for government to intervene in terms of giving subsidies or offering scholarship plans in order to help many of these under-privileged portion of the population to obtain education in the first place. Therefore, other factors needs to come into play before education can play its role in ending poverty. If we look at it this way, other factors such as government policies is the key in ending poverty. Even in well-developed countries such as Singapore and America this is the case. There is a great disparity between the poor and the rich and there is a pervasive pattern whereby the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer as time goes on.

The effect of education is even more impotent in third-world countries. In countries like these, the government is unable to meet even the basic needs of the society. Poor socio-economic reforms and policy implementation as well as corrupt practices exarcebates the problem of poverty. Furthermore, many of them require a different type of education. In example, the knowledge of Physics and Chemistry would be meaningless to them as they live off day to day growing their own crops and breeding their own livestocks. As the old Chinese proverb goes "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." In situation like this, education needs to be offered at the very basic level to fulfill their needs. More often than not, even the government is unable to provide this since the issue is rampant across the country. Foreign aid in forms of financial aid and voluntary help from international charity organisation will play an even greater role in solving the issue of poverty. These group of people will be able to help in providing basic skills of farming as well as donating food, water and clothings to the people. Such initiatives can be seen through organisations such as World Food Programme which have tremendously curtail poverty in Sub-Saharan countries such as Somalia and Ethiopia. The difficulty of providing education due to lack of infrastructure and government capability simply means that education will never be the key in ending poverty in these countries.

by: Ronald, Kumaran 21/12

Side: not the key
1 point

Why do I get the feeling this is your homework?

It's either homework or a copy and pasting job from an education center that teaches a class focused on speech and debate. And either way, I don't like the lack of thought put into posting likely copied work.

But for the record, keeping my answer short and sweet:

Education, opportunity and determination. That combination is the key to ending poverty.

Side: not the key
2 points

Down-vote. Real mature. :)

CD Tip: Every time you down-vote, you yourself also loses a point.

If it is your homework, I'm not going to think for you.

If it's not your homework or a copy and paste from some site, I have no problem acknowledging my inaccuracy and taking back what I said.

Side: not the key
riahlize(1568) Clarified
1 point

Damn phone. The part about homework was meant as a clarification to my first post.

The "real mature" part was meant for my down-voter.

Side: the key