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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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Axmeister(4311) pic

3-D movies arent that good


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 4
2 points

3-D is just hollywoods way of getting ahead of television. With blue-ray and other types of private screening means that the movie industry must do something good so people will still want to see films. they then bring in 3-D to make sure their profits dont fall.

Side: agree
1 point

The idea of it WAS (notice I said was) a good idea at the beginning: A movie that seems to jump out from the screen at you. But, the idea of 3D media has been used so much that all movies nowadays have to be in 3D, or they won't be shown in theaters. Now, there have been a few exceptions that barely made it away from this instance. Take, for example, James Cameron's Avatar. That movie was shot in 3D, but, the movie was so good, that no one really cared about the 3D effect. (Personally, When I first saw Avatar, I saw it in the IMAX theater, who was showing it without 3D, Thank God!) I personally think 3D has become a gimmick to make people watch movies more often.

Side: agree

The 3D movies during the 50's were good but the 3D movies of today disappoint in that objects don't hurl out of the screen toward your face.

Side: agree
1 point

Sometimes it enhances the movies like for small children 3-D films are the best type on earth and for instance Avatar I found was better in 3-D than it was in 2-D however it is not necessary in all movies to make them jump out of the screen all the time. When I found out that the deathly hallows was coming out in

3-D then I figured that it wouldn't do anything to help the film have a better story line to follow and may even spoil the movie.

Side: yeah maybe sometimes
1 point

I don't think so that 3D movies are not so good. Movies like Alice in the wonderland and Toy Story has won the oscars. So it is not good to say that animation movies are not worth watching. I am truly disagree.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I don't think same about it coz most of the 3D movies are still good and I love to see them just like How to Train Your Dragon.

Side: Disagree