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More Restrictions Less Restrictions
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:35
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 More Restrictions (16)
 Less Restrictions (19)

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8D- Topic 1- Right to Bear Arms

More Restrictions

Side Score: 16

Less Restrictions

Side Score: 19
1 point

Americans should have the right to own a gun with more restrictions than there are today. This is to ensure the safety of those who have no need to feel constantly victimised. The amendment states that everyone has the right to bear arms, but most might agree that there should be more restrictions to owning one.

Side: More Restrictions
1 point

The standards you need to meet to get a gun in the US are not hard to reach, and easy to lie about. Although everyone has the right, some things should be looked at more closely, if every citizen in the United States were to bear arms, the crime and homicide rate would go up by a lot as it did in 2015, when it went up by 3.3%, when you take 50 states into consideration it's a lot, which is never good.

Supporting Evidence: 2015 Homocide rate increase (
Side: More Restrictions
1 point

The information to own a gun can be asked by anyone, they are usual questions. This is too little information required to own a gun, there should be more. As stated before by Sofia S. one page of yes and no questions that anyone can lie about is not good enough.

Side: More Restrictions
SofiaVentri(12) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because everyone who owns guns passed a requirement.

Side: Less Restrictions
priscilledm(21) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with what you are saying. This is because there are already many standards and background checks to get a gun which means that they are still hard to reach

Side: Less Restrictions
1 point

There are too many unintentional firearm deaths. “110 unintentional firearm deaths to children 0–14 annually in the U.S.”

A restriction could be to keep it hidden, away from children’s reach.

Supporting Evidence: Unintentional firearm deaths (
Side: More Restrictions
1 point

I disagree. This is because if you think guns are killing people, you are wrong. What kills people are people. People are the ones with the guns which means if you want to reduce gun deaths because of suicides or child suicides, people should lock away their guns.

Side: More Restrictions
SofiaVentri(12) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because people use guns to kill people. If we restrict guns, there will be a lower death rate. For example, people with mental illness should not be allowed to own a gun. Also, statistics show that suicide is the highest death rate caused by firearms, most people who suicide have a mental illness.

Side: Less Restrictions
SofiaVentri(12) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because people use guns to kill people. If we restrict guns, there will be a lower death rate. For example, people with mental illness should not be allowed to own a gun. Also, statistics show that suicide is the highest death rate caused by firearms, most people who suicide have a mental illness.

Side: Less Restrictions
SofiaVentri(12) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because people use guns to kill people. If we restrict guns, there will be a lower death rate. For example, people with mental illness should not be allowed to own a gun. Also, statistics show that suicide is the highest death rate caused by firearms, most people who suicide have a mental illness.

Side: Less Restrictions
priscilledm(21) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because each time someone is killed, they are the ones who pull the trigger not the gun. The gun doesn't go off on it's own. You should check your facts right before saying that mentally ill people should be restricted because Second Amendment already has may restrictions because it isn't an unlimited right already. People who are mentally ill don't have a right to carry a gun.

Side: More Restrictions
1 point

Although there are many factors that support having less and more restrictions, more restrictions will limit homocide, suicide and unintentional accidents. People with mental illness should have harsher restrictions. but the right all together cannot be taken away from anyone. This is why having more restrictions on guns is the best way to go.

Side: More Restrictions
1 point

Americans should have the right to own a gun with less restrictions. The amendment states that everyone has the right to bear arms and that is why Americans should own a gun freely.

Side: Less Restrictions
1 point

Americans should have the right to own a gun without any restrictions. Since the beginning of the United States, people have had the right to own a gun. Why should this change?

Side: Less Restrictions
1 point

The second amendment of the US Constitution protects individual gun ownership. This amendment has been a tradition for the United States so they can’t just take the amendment away. Most people use guns for self defense meaning that if they take this right away, a lot of people won't feel safe anymore.


Side: Less Restrictions
SofiaVentri(12) Disputed
1 point

This is not what we are debating. We are trying to get more restrictions on guns, not take them away.

Side: More Restrictions
priscilledm(21) Disputed
1 point

Yes, I agree. What you forgot is that adding more restrictions would still be changing the second amendment in some way because people would either have harder access to a gun or not even have access. This is changing the second amendment because the second amendment states anyone can own a gun.

Side: Less Restrictions
SofiaSahdala(8) Disputed
1 point

Unfortunately, this is not the message we are trying to get across. We are trying to restrict, not take away.

“Charlotte has experienced a number of drug-related murders as well as homicides related to domestic violence and is projected to see a 13.4% increase in violent crime this year.” The times, news article


Young people like charlotte are feeling victimized because of unauthorized people having guns or other weapons. This is another reason why more restrictions should be required, such as looking at ancestral history , medical history, and recent check ups or events that could lead to trauma or mental disorder which could possibly endanger the lives of others.

Side: More Restrictions
priscilledm(21) Disputed
1 point

As I have previously stated, people kill people, not guns kill people. Additionally, I understand you want to restrict and not take away, but restricting will mean that the amendment will be changed and americans don't want their amendment to be changed.

Side: Less Restrictions
1 point

Having more restrictions is impractical as tried by the Obama administration due to the NRA (national rightful association) who use lobby groups to influence politicians into declining any laws impacting gun control. For example, after a school massacre, Obama tried to enforce a law where there would be more background checks for potential buyers. Members of the NRA threatened senators with letters, emails, phone calls, and appearances at town hall meetings to convince them that if they voted for the laws with more restrictions,it would jeopardize their chances of being reelected.

Supporting evidence - gun-control-overhaul-is-defeated-in-senate/2013/04/17/57eb028a-a77c-11e2-b029-8fb7e977ef71 story.html?utmterm=.bfa5d577ac8f

Side: Less Restrictions
1 point

I understand what you're saying, but if the public somehow manages to disagree with the NRA, the NRA has to make a change to keep the public happy

Side: Less Restrictions
priscilledm(21) Disputed
1 point

I see what you're saying. However, a lot of people from the public want guns because they want to use them as self-defense meaning they won't go against the NRA.

Side: More Restrictions
1 point

Increasing the restrictions and laws for gun control won’t stop gun crime. For example, Chicago has extremely high gun restrictions, and yet still has too many gun crimes. This is because in 2014, when Chicago had extremely strict gun laws, there were 2,587 shooting victims. If you compare this to New York, who had less restrictions and had around three times as many people as Chicago, there were 1,381 victims in the same time period.

Supporting Evidence -

Side: Less Restrictions
1 point

The thing is, not everyone in Chicago got their gun in Chicago, meaning they might not have all gone through the same restrictions, which is why the heavier restrictions should be equal in all states

Side: Less Restrictions
priscilledm(21) Disputed
1 point

How do you know not everyone in Chicago got their gun in Chicago? Do you have evidence?

Side: More Restrictions
1 point

Overall, an increase in regulation would be ineffective as it is impractical and against our basic right. Americans should have the right to own a gun without any restrictions.

Side: Less Restrictions