
Debate Info

Describe red Describe green
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 Describe red (1)
 Describe green (1)

Debate Creator

johnbonham32(2429) pic

A challenge for you: describe the colors red and green

I was with a friend recently who is red-green colorblind. 

He asked me to describe red for him and I couldn't come up with the words.

Can you?

Describe red

Side Score: 1

Describe green

Side Score: 1
1 point

Well basically all colors are different wavelengths of light, and describing a color to a color-blind person is quite like imagining to see radioactivity or microwaves. It's a kind of pointless ordeal that perhaps never will get an answer.

But we could try to describe a color from it's "feelings" and by that I mean we have certain predisposed values towards different colors. Red for example is often instinctively connected to the feeling of danger and will get our attention (Which is used by advertising companies) but your friend will not get an real idea of the color that way either. What's left is an philosophical question that I don't believe will get an answer. Although I long for the day I can be proved wrong (hopefully today)

Side: Describe red

His brain is capable of seeing the color in all likelihood, here in a few years you could probably by pass his eyes and use a camera so that he could actually see the color.

You can't really describe a color though, at best you can describe it as similar to what he can see, green is similar to blue, red is similar to yellow.

Side: Describe green