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Against It Support It
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:19
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 Against It (4)
 Support It (9)

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cherrylatae(25) pic


   Are you for or against abortion? Why or why not? Obama is for it Cry

Against It

Side Score: 4

Support It

Side Score: 13
1 point

I am against abortion all the way. Nothing will ever change that. Abortion in my eyes, not saying it as in a literal defense, is liek murder bc you are basically taking an infants life bc of your poor choice. It's like you made this bad decision and you dont want to pay the consequences and take it out on the life of that infant baby. Don't take what you cant give :( . You can take a cookie or something from somebody and give them one back but you cant give nobody a life so dont take it. if you cant be responsible or face your consequences either wear the protection that was made to prevent that to the fullest it can or else wait until you're responsible enough or can handle what's coming. i mean if you dont want the baby atleast put it up for adoption :'(

Side: Against It
cwmdulais(188) Disputed
2 points

"your poor choice."

and if you get raped?

"atleast put it up for adoption :'("

this i agree with, i belive it should be a choice, but in 99.99% of cases it will be a wrong choice in my eyes

Side: Support It
bhagwad(5) Disputed
1 point

But how can you call a clump of cells an "infant?" Soon after conception, the zygote is just a bunch of cells joined together that I would call less alive than even a plant.

Also, do you stop eating meat if all you're concerned about is taking life? Don't you kill a mosquito if it's near you as well? Why should a human life deserve more saving than a mosquito's life or a chicken's life?

Side: Against It
cherrylatae(25) Disputed
1 point

ok.. so basically you would take a humans life over a mosquito's or a chicken's? Thats what it sounds like. First of all humans are superior to mosquitos and/or chickens. Humans need to survive on this earth so sometimes you gotta take an animals life. Are you a vegetarian? How does taking a human life compare to that? How kould you kompare a human to a mosquitos?? We all deserve ta be here as humans so you would basically kill an unborn baby and not feel bad?

Side: Against It
1 point

why kill an innocent baby because of your stupid choice to get pregnant? Even if you dont want it someone out there does. not abortion but adoption would be better.

Side: Against It
2 points

I'm don't exactly support it, but I'm not against it, I'm more of a pro-choice person. I don't want to see someone have an abortion, but I know that sometimes an abortion is necessary.

Side: Support It
1 point

I see no problem with it. I'm not egotistical enough to bother trying to force women I don't know to submit to my personal preferences =P

Side: Support It
1 point

I support it. I'm not in the place to say if it's morally wrong or not, and i think it's fairer to let the woman make that choice.

Side: Support It
1 point

By what right and under what authority does anyone claim the power to disregard the personal choice of another?

Far be it from me to dictate to any woman what she can or can't do with her own reproductive system.

Side: Support It
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

By what right and under what authority does anyone claim the power to disregard the personal choice of another?

By what right and under what authority does anyone get to decide whether another human being lives or dies? I'm not a pro-lifer but I think a lot of pro-choice arguments are easily refuted.

Side: Against It
Conro(767) Disputed
1 point

"By what right and under what authority does anyone get to decide whether another human being lives or dies?"

Any type of war ever has always given that power to either the soldiers or the military commanders. Are you ready to renounce all wars forever, even if those who might kill you do not?

Side: Support It

Does a woman have the right to an abortion under the U.S. Constitution? If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: Support It