
Debate Info

It's Their Body! Keep the Baby!
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:37
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 It's Their Body! (11)
 Keep the Baby! (7)

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RubiaL.(24) pic


ne of the major battlegrounds for this issue concerns terminology. In keeping with our Standards of Credibility, the language used here is explanatory and precise. Hence, expressions such as "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are replaced by words that articulate specific positions.


Perhaps the largest point of contention involving terminology is the label applied to what or who is being aborted. Those who think abortion should be generally illegal often use the terms "unborn child" and "unborn baby." According to Webster's College Dictionary and Black's Medical Dictionary, the word "child" can apply prior to birth, but both of these sources employ the word "baby" only from the point of birth onwards. Those who think abortion should be generally legal often use the word "fetus," a clinical term derived from a Latin word meaning "offspring" or "newly delivered." Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary defines a fetus as "The unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, after major structures have been outlined in humans from 9 weeks after fertilization unitl birth.

It's Their Body!

Side Score: 18

Keep the Baby!

Side Score: 11
4 points

Why won't this debate just die?

1. That cluster of cells no matter what you call it is not a person. It has no feelings, no self-awareness, it's an amoeba, no more alive than a tumor. Science has confirmed this, and I care not what the religious right's fevered imagination is telling them - they talk to dead people for christ's sake. Settled. It's not an argument, it is agreed by all sensible people that that cluster of cells is in no way hurt by the procedure.

2. If one is ridiculous enough to argue potential life, I would point out that every time I or any male cums there are approximately 2000 "potential lives" - and by the logic of potential life, we should all bottle our sperm and save our eggs and inject every last one so there are a trillion trillion bastards running around by 2020. It is the exact same argument, hence you obviously have no argument if that is your stance.

3. There are too many goddamn idiots having goddamn kids who themselves are going to be goddamn idiots. Of every human I know in any capacity, only the stupidest of them have multiple kids, and I'm in my early 30's, I know a lot of stupid people with stupid kids. Not only am I not against abortion, I'm an abortion fan!

4. Pretend for a second that you magically make abortion illegal... pretend an angel or Jesus or the tooth fairy comes down and makes it so... then what? Not in the history of the human race has making abortion illegal ever EVER stopped someone from having an abortion.

The only thing it does is drive a bunch of young girls with their whole lives ahead of them into dirty basements to get the procedure where they may or may not get out alive.

Humans need abortion, and humans need a safe and legal way of getting the procedure done.

If you don't want an abortion you don't have to have one. It has exactly 0 to do with anyone else on earth.

Side: It's Their Body!

I wish this Abortion debate would die, but it is the hot button issue in America, and it will continue.

Side: It's Their Body!
1 point

Not only,let's think about what happens to unwanted children when they come into this world.Yes,some of them end up being loved and cherished,but a mother who loses her job and her partner and her emotional sanity because of the child will ALWAYS ressent that child,deep down,and then the child will go throughtout hearing the old "Look at all the sacrifices I've done for you!" thing.Not to mention,what about the children whose parents are alcholics,drug addicts,abusers,violent,severely mentally ill?These are the children that end up in the hospital five years later completely destroyed,emotionally and physically,these are the children that are already living in violence and terror before they were even born.This is a controversial statement but sometimes NOT chosing abortion should even be a crime.

Side: It's Their Body!
1 point

their are a lot of good arguments on both sides but this is an issue that the debaters have to live with, i don't like how the people that have resources to take care of a baby are trying to tell the people who don't to go through problems that they will never have to go through.

Side: It's Their Body!
1 point

There's enough people in the world as it is.


Side: It's Their Body!
RubiaL.(24) Disputed
1 point

well why would people say that kind of things!!??

i mean its not like your mom aborted you...and the babies or unborn fetus have as many rights as you and i have to live!

Side: Keep the Baby!
ryuukyuzo(641) Disputed
1 point

"well why would people say that kind of things!!??"

Because it's true, would be the most obvious conclusion...

"i mean its not like your mom aborted you..."

Non-sequiter. Just because my mom planned and kept me doesn't mean everyone else should or will do the same with their children.

"and the babies or unborn fetus have as many rights as you and i have to live!"

By "right" you, of course, mean, "in my personal preference" as the word "right" means nothing outside of your ability to label things as such.

Until the child is born it is just a parasite. Not much difference between it and a tapeworm. Would you get rid of a tapeworm?

Perhaps you would keep the unborn child because you want to give birth to it and love it later in life, but then this is just a matter of YOUR personal preference and should ONLY be considered in the matter of your own child. Not every woman is required to keep a fetus they wont love just to appease YOUR preferences.

Or are you egotistical enough to claim that only your way of life is correct?

Side: It's Their Body!

If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: It's Their Body!
2 points

It is not the woman's body. It ceases to be 'the woman's body' when another life begins to grow in it. Then, it becomes the woman's body and the foetus' body.

Side: Keep the Baby!
1 point

I think that it is pretty stupid to think that abortion is a way out!i mean people that are in favor of aborting are living today!!!their parents didn't abort them so why should they take the privilege of live to an innocent being!!!!!!

Side: Keep the Baby!
shuvit(23) Disputed
2 points

I don't suppose you have any plans to force others to embrace your views at the expense of surrendering their individual right to decide for themselves, do you?

Side: It's Their Body!
RubiaL.(24) Disputed
1 point

I create debates not to make people change their minds, i make them because i like to speak my mind...and i mean if the teen-aged pregnant girls are so worried that the baby will ruin their future they shouldn't have opened their legs ahead of time!?don't you think?

Side: Keep the Baby!
1 point

Sigh yes all of your cum that gets wasted in your dirty sock is potential life. That doesn't matter though it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. What is being aborted is going to be a child, your cum can't be a child it's wasted. Killing the baby after a certain amount of weeks is painful to the baby. If a man kills a pregnant women he is charged with two accounts of murder. It seems that your "group of cells" becomes whatever you want it to be when it is most convinient. A born child effects a mother just as much as a baby. should all the mothers who think their children are to much of a burden be allowed to kill them? What if humans layed eggs and all children were born out of an egg. Would it still be okay to kill them? Your way of thinking would say no. It would no longer be okay because it isn't in her body. The issue doesn't seem to be whether it is a life form or not, but rather where it is and who it is effecting. Killing someone is wrong.

That baby is someone.

Abortion is wrong.

Side: Keep the Baby!
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Sigh yes, if you are referring to my potential life argument on the other side, it has everything to do with that specific argument. As for yours:

Killing the baby after a certain amount of weeks is painful to the baby

And you have proof of this I assume? Oh wait you don't? Of course not because it is not true.

If a man kills a pregnant women he is charged with two accounts of murder

This law in no way magically makes a fetus any more or less sentient. If I made a law that toasters were human, it would not make it so.

A born child effects a mother just as much as a baby. should all the mothers who think their children are to much of a burden be allowed to kill them

While listening to you now try to only refer to fetuses as babies, and so then needing to call a child a "born child" is hilarious, this sentence makes no sense. Everyone knows a "born child" should not be killed. That is not the issue, it is the cluster of cells within a woman that has no feelings and no personality which is the issue.

The issue doesn't seem to be whether it is a life form or not, but rather where it is and who it is effecting

Uh, what? Since when? No, the issue is that it is not a person, and as such only an extension of the woman's body until about the third trimester, and so she should do with it what she chooses.

That pre-baby thing is not "someone" at all.

And there is nothing wrong with abortion.

Side: It's Their Body!
Zander(50) Disputed
1 point

(This law in no way magically makes a fetus any more or less sentient. If I made a law that toasters were human, it would not make it so.)

You do not make the laws. This statement has little if nothing to do with the fact that people with your mentality decide what they want the law to be when they want it to be that way.

And i clearly did state that it is the issue of where the "Fetus" is. If the "fetus" was to be in an egg outside of the women, your argument would no longer stand. The only reason you think it is right to kill an unborn child is because the fetus is a cluster of both the womens cells and the mans sperm in the body of a women. If it were to be a cluster of cells in an egg your form of logic would fall apart, because it is no longer part of the women.

Side: Keep the Baby!